Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] say that " in BNC.

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1 I am sure Martha will forgive me for saying that her very presence excites envy from others .
2 As regards the Niemecz mechanical organs bearing Haydn compositions : Neumann criticizes me for saying that the machines play ‘ within a narrow range , stating that the machines ’ air brakes can be set in such a way ‘ that the speed is either halved or doubled ’ , and that therefore ‘ the question of an absolute original tempo becomes pointless . ’
3 Lewis contented himself with saying that it was the race that would decide who was the best .
4 Quentin nodded , preventing himself from saying that Miss Lavant 's sweets and smiles were beside the point .
5 Lord Salmon confined himself to saying that Anisminic was of no relevance to the High Court : it was apposite only for tribunals , commissioners and inferior courts of law .
6 Napoleon 's Number One Fan , who during Abel Gance 's film was accused by the man in the next seat of masturbating underneath his hat and splashing his wife , but who stoutly defended himself by saying that the unfortunate staining would never have happened if she had n't nudged him and thus dislodged the titfer from his lap .
7 Jenkins admitted to ignorance , but covered himself by saying that the selectors did not know the team either .
8 He excused himself by saying that his remarks had been made spontaneously .
9 I 've read things in papers people are supposed to have said and think , ‘ You obnoxious twat , I hate you for saying that , ’ but I know there 's gay people out there who read that thing in NME and know it 's a load of bollocks .
10 Thank you for saying that to us , yes , I would n't have actually picked it up .
11 IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the markets that it foresees for its products , but in this case limits itself to saying that it will appeal to professionals who would prefer ‘ easy-to-remember voice commands ’ to complicated keystrokes or mouse movements .
12 I may unnerve you by saying that many of us err in this .
13 Now , having started in that light , I may be going to disappoint you by saying that I 'm not in fact going to spend the next erm fifty minutes or so talking about the moral , political , philosophical implications of Darwinism .
14 The curriculum justifies itself by saying that unless teachers deliberately introduce the subject of homosexuality to the classroom it would be unlikely ever to arise among the children themselves .
15 I loved him for saying that , for trying to cheer me up .
16 I join him in saying that the enforcement of law and order in the Province of Northern Ireland lies with Her Majesty 's Government , the Chief Constable and those who support him .
17 I will further provoke him by saying that anchor-man is a most fitting name for his role in the relay team .
18 The trouble is that there are so many ways of continuing , so many alternatives and possibilities , that it would be wrong to advise him by saying that one procedure is better than another .
19 A visiting seyh , seeing his sad plight , comforted him by saying that he would achieve high rank and that his brothers would stand in his presence among the servants and slaves .
20 Rob teases her by saying that she 'd rather go round a supermarket than climb a mountain , but there 's ‘ many a true word … ’ and all that .
21 The steep-sided valley of Stroud-Water in Gloucestershire must have presented much the same kind of picture , but Defoe does not attempt any description of it beyond saying that ‘ the clothiers Iye all along the banks of this river for near 20 miles ’ ; and Celia Fiennes passed along the high road over the uplands from Gloucester to Bath and failed to notice it at all .
22 It is difficult to understand why the judges selected his design for second prize , as the assessors had rejected it by saying that it was ‘ Too expensive and involving too great a sacrifice of property ’ , and were supported by Brunel and Burn .
23 In an unsigned editorial it tried to explain it by saying that there were too many explicit photographs of homosexual acts in the book ( Mapplethorpe takes pictures of oral sex , of a man pissing in the mouth of his partner and of men buggering each other in various ways , including with a fist ) , and that the authors had therefore not left enough space for his more restful images , such as his ‘ superb studies of people and flowers ’ , which the author of the editorial obviously sees as representing Mapplethorpe 's angelic side .
24 In his address opening the Council he expressed it by saying that the Council would be ‘ pastoral ’ rather than dogmatic , and talking about aggiornamento and rinnovimento — terms that harked back to his youth when both were slightly suspect .
25 If he gets the benefit for which he stipulated , he ought to honour his promise , and he ought not to avoid it by saying that the mother was herself under a duty to maintain the child .
26 This huge increase caused concern among many deputies , but Pavlov had justified it by saying that it took account of forthcoming wholesale price rises and would actually represent a fall in real terms .
27 My Lords , I think I made it perfectly clear what I did mean er I did qualify it by saying that of course there are times when patients do have to wait on trolleys for diagnostic purposes , for observation and for other reasons er but once an admission has been agreed , then that patient should be admitted , that is our policy and that is what we 're working towards .
28 Then he had spoilt it by saying that his reasons for leaving Australia had been personal , and she had assumed he had been involved in a similar situation to that with Jennifer .
29 You , you , you may come across er legislature like this but you , you would n't be sure , when you they 're justifying it by saying that this is natural , this is a progression in er a historical progression and that in fact that it 's a erm it 's only because the , the landlords were , were sort of evil and nasty to us that , that i it , that they , this is happening .
30 I will not list Frances ’ numerous qualities but content myself with saying that I know of no one who could fill her position as well as she … ’
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