Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb past] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I heard about the first one pretty soon , the next night in fact , because everyone I knew was talking about the arrival of the new beauty .
2 Lucille Walker had n't brought me clear over to Hollywood just to tell me I 'd been played for a sucker .
3 His friend held my other hand and told me I 'd been brave .
4 She told us : ‘ The first time I saw this lady from the Foundation for Global Unity in Canterbury , she told me I had been a young boy in one of the Balkan countries , where slaves were being used to cut down all the trees .
5 I used to wonder why nothing I did was right .
6 Wendy was still living in Old Wolverton , and because of her shift work I did not see her very often ; and most of those with whom I had been friendliest were billeted in outlying areas .
7 The one to whom I had been speaking was shivering audibly .
8 He turned out to be an inspector of taxes with whom I had been conducting a mini back-duty enquiry and which was in the concluding stages .
9 A couple of years after coming out , I met a heterosexual woman with whom I had been particularly close before I had blasted our cosy set up out of the water .
10 Here again I learnt to admire and like these people , with whom I had been so recently at war , and to see clearly both the differences and the similarities between people of different nationalities and the fantastic ability of people to respond to leadership tuned to their needs .
11 In alluding to Ronald Duncan and The Criterion , he was referring to a proposal by Duncan — with whom I had been in correspondence , though I did not meet him until after the war — that I should write for The Townsman ( a magazine which he edited from an ancient mill situated in a valley on the Devon/Cornish border , where I was later to live and write about ) , an article analysing the reasons why The Criterion , after flourishing for seventeen years , had so suddenly come to an end .
12 Tagalog concepts are directly relevant to the present discussion because the Buid with whom I lived are in daily contact with Tagalog speaking immigrants from neighbouring islands .
13 I found it tiring to have somebody in the house whom I knew was not really enjoying what she was doing .
14 I am delighted to say that both previous Prime Ministers under whom I served are avid and enthusiastic collectors of that porcelain .
15 Returning on the bus from Medenine I noticed a solitary blonde whom I assumed was a stray package tourist from one of the hotels on the west of the island .
16 Many of the Free Presbyterians to whom I talked are themselves confused about their political philosophy .
17 Time and time again discussions about tears came back to the central theme of the wish to be cared for-not all the time , the women with whom I talked were quite clear about that .
18 I was a member of NALGO from 1979 until the GLC was abolished , when I ceased to be a member for a number of reasons : 1 could not afford it , and because the company for whom I worked was not a Local Authority .
19 I also noticed that in those schools in which I worked where the head , as a matter of policy , distanced himself from parents , my understanding of the children with whom I worked was less complete .
20 I even told them I had been recommended for a commission .
21 I I thought was a .
22 Er but I used to tell people and they you know people near me that had a lot of children and er they 'd moan and groan about it , I heard one woman say erm , she 'd had quite a few children and I I 'd been in hospital and I said er , er a certain person that 'd had a baby had lost it .
23 Yes well we I I 'd been working on the Menai Suspension Bridge repa you know , when they were rep doing the repairing like .
24 He I I 'd been to them over a a period of about two years erm with all sorts o of different problems and in the end he said , You know I can increase your drugs but that wo n't help .
25 As I said I I had been told that er he was associated with and they had been planning ar armed robberies in the past .
26 ‘ Then I was shocked to discover someone I knew was running the place .
27 Coconut palms , mangroves and many unidentified trees confused me considerably , I who had been used to nothing taller than a stunted elder bush in a croft garden !
28 It was not , alas , I who had been inadvertently left alone for two minutes in an antechamber where by chance lay the plan of the Althaus plumbing system — to prove , as so much that is missing does , the crucial piece of evidence when , later , people were trying to fit together the events that fired the conflagration of the civilised world .
29 Someone who 'd been in the right place a couple of times .
30 Several hearings were held , and as a teacher involved with the family , and as someone who 'd been asked officially to ‘ socialise , them , Mr M was asked to give information to the Children 's Panel .
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