Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Besides those I have already mentioned , others at this memorable luncheon included , whom everyone was so pleased to see here ; .
2 ‘ Thou art my beloved Son ; in thee I am well pleased , ’ seems to be a deliberate combination of two famous Old Testament texts .
3 The other half ‘ with thee I am well pleased ’ comes from that picture of the Servant of Yahweh in Isaiah 42:1 which we looked at in the last chapter .
4 The emptiness reminds me I am here .
5 I mean if they ever do that to me I 'm just gon na fucking drive off .
6 half seven bus , and there was me waking at ten past seven picked him up fucking dinner and here 's me I 'm away in here to waken up .
7 And here 's me with one eye and here 's I could fucking see our William , here 's me round the back then me I 'm away in here to waken up , fuck ten past seven
8 I do n't think I would ever do such a thing again , but when the depression settles on me I 'm very vulnerable , and if I went to see a film and it had a drowning sequence in it , or swirling water , then you just ca n't tell .
9 ‘ Every year , they tell me I 'm too old , but every year I do better , run faster , win more . ’
10 You 've always told me I 'm too young .
11 ‘ It tells me I 'm still his chief suspect .
12 He had a calm lean face never to be called handsome and if he looked up he would put on his quick protective smile to say Do n't ask about me I 'm all right talk about somebody else …
13 But , in meantime while I were waiting for them to ring me I were that mad !
14 ‘ I do n't think anything has been decided for Sunday yet , but if the boss was taking the chance to have a look at me I was reasonably happy with my performance overall .
15 My aunt had taste , and had perceived something new , unusual and pleasing , and when she passed the book on to me I was equally delighted .
16 When they did this to me I was quite startled , in spite of Sir Robert 's warning .
17 When Richard handed it to me I was so surprised I forgot to enquire whether or not il s'agit d'un cadeau , but if not , I must settle up with you when next you 're here .
18 No she heard her saying that and she says to me I was so mad
19 A lot of the members told me I was very good — I could pull clubs well and read greens — and I should try going to the Bing Crosby to work for a pro in the tournament .
20 The response from the crowd was fantastic , but when he introduced me I was hardly conscious of their cheers .
21 She told me I was never to speak to Nicola again . ’
22 My mother told me I was more domesticated than my sisters .
23 ‘ He wanted to marry me — he told me I was all he needed to make his life perfect .
24 NEW guys have been telling me I was too old .
25 You 'd tell me I was too young to get engaged to anyone .
26 I am indebted to who has drawn my attention to an article reprinted in the Journal of Applied Occupational Environmental Hygiene , August 1992 , Vol 7 pp 532–40 , to whom I am also indebted for permission to use extracts for the benefit of this article .
27 They need to remember that the Father said , ‘ This is my Son , my beloved , in whom I am well pleased .
28 There is no artist with whom I am more frank , because I admire the man tremendously and need not by sycophantic .
29 I hope you see something of SUSIE , of whom I am truly very fond .
30 Like an overgrown Bisto kid I sniffed and aaahed my way to the source of the oaky-smokey smell , where I met a man whom I am very pleased to know .
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