Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 You do n't owe them nothing do you , I hope ?
2 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
3 You were looking at me I knew you were going to say that
4 Anyway to finish that story about stopping and starting , I stopped there for fifty years and me mother was still alive when er when I at ninety three and when I retired in nineteen seventy nine , nineteen eighty I told me mum that I was finishing and she looked at me I told you that job would n't last and I , I , I mean I 'd done fifty years all but a few months .
5 As Maggie 's talking to me I mean you can see like my here I mean I 've got all sorts , as you would use that , those pages for , there 's notes as I 'm going through of things that we were doing and er the university and , and everything like that and there 's other parts of it that , I mean the , the things that you would come back to and elaborate more on
6 excuse me I tell you what I like them , them
7 It would of , it would of got me I tell you .
8 Have you er polished your brass today got it all ready to talk to me I hope you have .
9 ‘ Are you telling me I put you off ? ’
10 I 'd said after all I 've had done to me I said you 've caught 'em , I 'll prosecute .
11 you 're not going without me I said you 'd better hurry up and get bloody dressed then had n't you ?
12 Tha that was n't me I said you ai n't fucking learnt !
13 What he 's , I bet what he does n't like about it is that you 're not running back to him saying look Simon come back to me I need you and it
14 ‘ Before me I see you , the Children of Israel ; behind me ’ — and he put a hand on the braided curtain — ‘ is the Torah , the Law of Israel .
15 Fuck me I think you get about a grand interest a week from a million , so living off 500quid a week ai nt too bad ( and you should be working so that s extra ) .
16 If he found after two or three days that he was n't really making much headway , he would then , after he 'd left the police courts , say to me I think you 'd better go down street or somewhere and see if you can find
17 It sounded more like , she says to me I think you should save up Norma and
18 Look , look at Super Nintendo , tell me I want you to name me twenty good games you ca n't , you ca n't .
19 He do n't miss nothing I tell you !
20 I have just received notice via our agent , Mr John Popham , whom I believe you know , that Newport Borough Council and Gwent County Council are preparing to apply to the Secretary of State for Wales for an Order under the above Act to enable them to proceed with the construction of a barrage across the river Usk .
21 Both are former Benedictines , whom I think you 'll remember , Sister .
22 But down the scale a bit and the , the men do n't get I feel sorry for them I mean you 've kids and everything .
23 Yeah , but you see , you 've got the , you got all the other things in , down , down , underneath , well I mean if you started going in with a knife and you started cutting them I mean you could cut an artery or anything could n't you ?
24 It 's not cos she 's it , cos she 's like that you know I bought her summat , when ours were not , not very old , I did n't know what to get her and I bought her an ornament , she says oh I wish people 'd stop buying me ornaments I 've got too many , has to dust round them I thought you 'll get sod all next year
25 So do n't tell them I told you , but the subject of spectator behaviour is under scrutiny at Augusta , of all places .
26 And then when you wanted them I give you mine .
27 Even dictating them I think you should count that as writing .
28 But you 'll get nowhere with them I grant you .
29 Er I I know you 're submission was was was very clear in in in the sense that you said that you said that the figure proposed by North Yorkshire was would create no problems .
30 Mr Mr Allenby , I I know you 've made a submission but can we just clarify what provision is being made in Harrogate District which can be seen quite rightly as forming pa a contribution towards the Greater York ?
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