Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The subject had bored me witless at school , but on Sheila 's lips it all came alive , and forced me to the conclusion that it was n't history which was boring , but those who tried to teach it .
2 So send for your three introductory books now from only £1 each ( +£2.25 p. & p. ) and examine them FREE at home for 10 days without obligation .
3 I was gon na go to Reading but erm Sally-Ann ca n't make it cos there 's someone ill at work .
4 Put it this way , if I had children of my own at school , I would be very , very worried if they had a teacher like me .
5 I have n't a moment to call my own at present . ’
6 Apart from the invaluable experience thus acquired of conducting oneself at interviews , I was able to walk over grounds and sporting venues and to compare the standards with my own at home .
7 I was on my own at home )
8 Yeah , cos I did them on my , on my own at home .
9 Cos I can travel three hundred miles on my own at night so you know it just gives me a bit of safeguard .
10 ‘ I 'm not at my best at parties .
11 Helps helps us to keep them warm at night .
12 Just over three years ago England defeated them 2-0 at Wembley , but Yugoslavia might have drawn or even won that game had they taken their chances .
13 Its priced at £235 and UK distributors include Ingram Micro Ltd , Milton Keynes , and InterQuad Ltd , Slough .
14 Australia soaked the pressure , punished Ireland 's handling blunders and scampered out of their 22 at will to score tries that numbed the huge crowd .
15 In any case , by strengthening his position abroad , Rank had made himself unassailable at home .
16 Sotheby 's sold three , but Christie 's got away just two of their six at 30% under low estimate .
17 It was the mystery of what had happened that kept her awake at night .
18 She did n't really know what it was about him which made her go pale whenever they met and kept her awake at night longing .
19 It was plain to her that her therapist was meticulous , thoughtful and highly trained — it was undeniable — but Scarlet increasingly found all that beside the point because her malaise had not significantly decreased with treatment , and worrying about the cost of it kept her awake at night .
20 She says that they kept her awake at night , and climbed over the fences .
21 After Dan had drunk the hot sweet coffee that kept her awake at nights , they moved off , sitting in the small car for a while to look at the map .
22 When Keith Vaughan left for a holiday in France in July 1948 , he had momentarily found himself alone at Hamilton Terrace and again reported to Edie on his progress .
23 But it was the mercurial Fox , aided by skilful loose-forward David Heron , who ensured Northern 's seventh consecutive League victory and their first at Knowsley Road for six years .
24 Her mother was becoming suspicious at the amount of time she spent in her room , but Lizzie had told her everyone liked to be on their own at times .
25 Goldie , the Blue Peter dog , was pet of the year in 1981 and was deemed to have been a substitute pet for many youngsters unable to keep pets of their own at home .
26 all learners wishing to revise their elementary English in small groups or on their own at home .
27 Or does somebody else get the credit f or does the credit apply equally because everybody deals with their own at home ?
28 distinctions should be drawn between sole practitioners working on their own at home and those with assistant solicitors and a number of branch offices ;
29 Each year , more and more people watch fireworks at organised displays , rather than setting off their own at home .
30 When people looked after their own at home , you know , it went on for years and years , did n't it ?
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