Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] that many " in BNC.

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1 Is not it clear that many qualified nurses are not getting jobs in the health service ?
2 I find it disturbing that many people , particularly school teachers , still label programming as a lonely .
3 " The burial regulations and provision of mourning " , notes Stephen Jones , " make it plain that many a coasting man did not want to go to his maker like his deep-sea brother , sliding down a plank in a canvas sack with the last stitch through his nose " .
4 This action plan makes it evident that many of the organisational improvements recommended are in fact features synonymous with an ‘ openly run ’ school with an ‘ open ’ form of decision-making .
5 The hon. Member for Garscadden said last week that he finds it incomprehensible that many properties may stay in the same band in perpetuity .
6 Is he aware that many people who work part time , for less than 24 hours a week , and who can currently claim income support , will lose out substantially in terms of mortgage interest relief ?
7 Is he aware that many industrialists are concerned that we shall be unable to maintain our export performance due to uncompetitive rates , particularly vis-a -vis our principal competitors such as Germany , France and Japan ?
8 Is he aware that many of us are concerned because the next generation of inward investment will be attracted not by a low-wage economy or a low-wage work force , but by the best trained and educated work force in Europe ?
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