Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Forgive me but it seems to me strange that a lady such as you … how shall I say … should stay in a pensione .
2 Therefore it appears to me clear that a corporation at common law may maintain an action for a libel by which its property is injured .
3 Therefore it appears to me clear that a corporation at common law may maintain an action for a libel by which its property is injured .
4 Thus it seemed to me clear that the Galatians passage ( that there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , there is no more male and female ) 20 was of the essence of Christianity .
5 ‘ My Lords , it seems to me clear that the law plainly took the wrong turning in Sheridan 's case [ 1937 ] 1 K.B .
6 It seems to me clear that the main intention of the offer was to induce people interested in this kind of music to buy ( or perhaps get others to buy ) , chocolate which otherwise would not have been bought .
7 It seems to me clear that the answer has to be yes , provided only that we allow ourselves a sufficiently large series of Ks .
8 He had been Sir Lancelot , which was a heroic character , but what we wanted with Ian was someone resonant that the public would respond to .
9 It 's no secret now that he hooked up with Oliver North and Bill Casey of the CIA in an effort to trace the hostages — all of them unaware that the DIA , through Tony Asmar 's network , already knew where they were .
10 Again , because of the nature of the allegations and counter-allegations , it seems probable that the hearing would be lengthy and bitter , and in view of their ages it seems to me impossible that the children would not know all about the hearing and the issues raised by it and be caught up in that bitterness .
11 He kept the Kennedy men in key positions , all of them convinced that the USA was following the correct policy : Dean Rusk at State , Robert McNamara at Defense and McGeorge Bundy as Special Adviser .
12 He 'll count himself lucky that the rabbit-punch only stunned him and did n't lay him out .
13 Louis-Napoleon made it plain that he was himself sure that the main result of the establishment of universal suffrage would be his own success .
14 There must be a clear statement in its ultimate that no EEC body , Council , Commission or Court , shall be able to override legislation passed by national parliaments .
15 So generous is this bequest by birds to their young that a chick needs no additional food from which to build the flesh and bones and feathers of its infant body , and it still has enough energy left over to break its way out of the shell .
16 Hoffman ( 1985 : 345 ) reports experiments which 'suggest that the psychologically " " deepest " " level of thought is neither linguistic nor perceptual-imaginal , but something abstract , with metaphor mediating between the images and the concepts . "
17 Even more than in the 1930s , the TUC were imprisoned within constraints imposed on it by a capitalist wage-structure : the TUC argued strongly for adequate pensions ( denying , for example , that an old person needed less to eat ) ; but if this was to be implemented without encouraging further wage-cuts to elderly workers , then it appeared to them inevitable that a retirement condition must be introduced .
18 And it seems to me axiomatic that the further the new settlement is located away from York City Centre , York City , then less likely it will be erm to meet the housing requirement needs of the Greater York area .
19 The sheet of gut endoderm assumes a characteristic tubular structure at the anterior and posterior ends of the embryo although , unlike the neural tube , this is not due to a fusion of folds but rather to its folding back on itself such that the hindgut and foregut are present initially as blind ending tubes .
20 And are you confident that the friendly brand of computer is coming fairly soon , or is there resistance to it amongst the professionals ?
21 Bishop continued , ‘ I would like to take this opportunity to inform you all that the judicial process requested by Miles Engado regarding the death of his daughter has now reached a conclusion .
22 Yeah , I 've got , I believe that that should be made clear to you all that the area concerned here , is the area which is surrounded by the red line .
23 3 Are you sure that the " chosen photographer 's working methods will be suitable for the job in hand ?
24 But then that other manic voice was saying to him : But are you sure that the real world exists anymore ?
25 Were you aware that no purpose for reading had been given , no specific task that indicated what information you were looking for ?
26 ‘ Are you aware that a drugs ring is being operated in the club ? ’ he asked abruptly .
27 Are you aware that the array of funerals , commonly made by undertakers , is strictly the heraldic array of a baronial funeral , the two men who stand at the doors being supposed to be the two porters of the castle , with their staves , in black ; the man who heads the procession , wearing a scarf , being a representative of a herald-at-arms ; the man who carries a plume of feathers on his head being an esquire , who bears the shield and casque , with its plume of feathers ; the pall-bearers , with batons , being representatives of knights-companions-at-arms ; the men walking with wands being supposed to represent gentlemen-ushers , with their wands : are you aware that this is said to be the origin and type of the common array usually provided by those who undertake to perform funerals ?
28 ‘ Are you aware that the consignment contains weapons , not machinery parts ? ’
29 Is she aware that the Feltham visitors ' report , which I am sure she has had a chance to read , said that there were only 24 workshop training places for 256 young people ?
30 ‘ It 's a messenger for you , Major Karr , ’ she said , the use of Karr 's rank indicating to them all that the man was within hearing in the next room .
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