Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] even [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't nick my skin even though I shaved quickly .
2 This will be alarming for team mates who worry desperately about my abilities even when there is not the pressure of big money involved .
3 The second sense mentioned by Cotte is " permission given " , and can be illustrated by a sentence such as : ( 215 ) The doctor let me donate blood for my father even though I had a mild case of the flu .
4 Omar was a devout Muslim and like the best Somalis was proud and fearless , though he proved to be remarkably tactful and forbearing whenever I was impatient or angry , and always upheld my authority even when I made a mistake .
5 I 'd live off my wits even though I 've geared myself to be a footballer .
6 Well I would like to hope that he would take notice of my letter even if I would n't get any support from British Press .
7 I asked , and I was unable to hide my surprise even though McIllvanney was merely confirming my own suspicion that Billingsley was corrupt .
8 And there 's a certain slight embarrassment about my alibi even when I was ostensibly there . "
9 ‘ Others take my beers even if they 're warned not to — they sometimes put them on the bar without pump clips . ’
10 You know cos at least I can still go out and visit all my family even if they ca n't come down here .
11 In my judgment even if it could be said that Mr Clayton attorned tenant to Twogates by tacitly accepting the terms of that letter , such an attornment would not be evidence of an unequivocal intention on the part of the landlords to re-enter under the provisions of the … lease …
12 ‘ I have always expressed my solidarity with my colleagues even when after discussion in the commission my point of view has not been retained , ’ he explained .
13 Well , no one was going to call them cheapskates even if it meant staying at home for the rest of the decade .
14 I know I must finish clearing up the lawn , but , before doing so , I decide to telephone Auntie to come over on her bike even though I know it will take her an hour to get here from Hambledown .
15 Ruby did not want to , she wanted to talk about her technique even though it had let her down .
16 Thérèse held it for her , burning her fingers even as the icy water dripped over them .
17 Now either , either we have , ei either you accept that and y y you 're saying n not only in terms of land reform is the Communist Party prepared to see poor peasants being allocated less than subsistence land but even when they are allocated land they 're being taxed on their income even though it 's well below subsistence .
18 Well i i it implies that the Communist Party is actually taxing p taxing poor peasants at three percent of their income even though they are at starvation level .
19 Kate was n't surprised ; yesterday must have taken its toll even though he was superlatively fit .
20 Firms will be expected to provide accounting information to their successors even when a fee dispute is still outstanding , and firms undertaking additional work will normally be expected to notify the incumbent .
21 And in another case , decided in the same year , the Court of Appeal held that a mistress was entitled to a beneficial interest in the house she had shared with her lover even though he had left it to marry another woman .
22 The scheme has been praised for its clear and well-presented schedules , and this is definitely one of its strengths even if the schedules may seem a little daunting on first acquaintance .
23 But still , most rock songs are atrophic ( that is , the same music , a chorus , is repeated to changing words ) , and this has its effect even when within the chorus the musical structure is less standardized .
24 Synthetic bags maintain their insulation even when wet and they dry out much more quickly than the down bags .
25 . No but it 's better to have er parents who think highly of their kids even if slightly mistakenly
26 It also has an extremely long shelf-life and loses none of its potency even when turning from its original pale straw colour to the colour of strong tea after a year or more .
27 She struggles , eyes widening further , but I pin her to the sheets with my weight and keep the glove firmly over her mouth even though she is n't making any noise .
28 She may be invited to be its Chancellor even though she 's only got one O-level .
29 The craftsmen whom Willis describes are involved with their work even though they are alienated from the given structure of the enterprise .
30 John and Isabel were happy in their marriage even although they had to go into hiding occasionally , with friends or on the muirs .
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