Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] which make " in BNC.

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1 It was perhaps the small electric heater in my bedroom which made him say that .
2 They have discovered that in the period when most deaths occur between two and four months 80–90pc of babies produce a sticky substance in their saliva which makes it easier for bacteria to stick to the nose and throat .
3 In all probability it was a combination of several factors , not least the suspected flaw in her stamina which made her vulnerable once that fierce early pace had been set by St Denis .
4 Obviously , it is in a ‘ plugger 's ’ interest to claim that it was his or her work which made a record into a hit , but if you employ a ‘ plugger ’ it is worth being sceptical when deciding what to believe .
5 ‘ There 's something about its jizz which makes me think it 's a … ’ is a very handy phrase when only a brief glimpse of the bird has been caught .
6 Thus , although interest groups may look as if they are organized chiefly for public goods , in practice they are sustained by their ability to deliver selective incentives to their members which make joining worthwhile .
7 Pierre and Donna began to have their row which made a different bunch of passengers uncomfortable .
8 In an attempt to deter the caterpillars , the oaks produce distasteful chemicals called tannins in their leaves which make them less palatable .
9 Buckets are most usually bronze or iron bound , straight sided and on average 10 cm high and broad ; it is their smallness which makes the term ‘ bucket ’ inappropriate .
10 There was a subtle lemon-musk fragrance to his skin which made her head swim .
11 ‘ I 'm sure my husband wo n't mind me saying that it was not his wealth which made us all respect him — although I 've heard my husband say many a time that the wealth of Mr D'Arcy of Moss Side by Manchester was of an enormity to make the sultans and pashas of the East take note — but it was not for that , not at all , that we , all of us who knew of him … ’
12 He was talking to a small wizened man with long hair and a curved bone through his cheeks which made him appear tusked .
13 It was n't only Chilcott 's promise of a tidy sum of money and six horses if he would take Topaz as his spouse which made Manfro want her .
14 Alternatively , he may suddenly see something out of the corner of his eye which makes him jump sideways very quickly , so giving the rider little chance to take avoiding action .
15 With the robust acceptance of hardship and violence proper to his time , he is opposed to flogging and has an open demeanour towards his crew which makes him popular but still respected .
16 He looked shifty , and the painter had n't known enough to disguise the bulge under his jacket which made his chain of office lie uneven .
17 There is a vagueness in John 's later account of his feelings which makes one wonder how far he was reinterpreting events and attitudes with hindsight .
18 ‘ I confess to a touch of male bravado , ’ he admitted ruefully , kissing the lobe of her ear and then doing things with his tongue which made her writhe in delight .
19 He was a thin man with a hooked nose and dark stubble on his chin which made it seem too weighty for his cadaverous face .
20 He had a curious way of stressing words in the wrong place , sometimes swallowing them completely , but there was a hypnotic singsong quality to his voice which made it very hard to concentrate on what he was actually saying .
21 There was something in his face which made me say , gently : ‘ ’ But beauty vanishes , beauty passes , However rare , rare it be . ’ '
22 We came together as a group almost by accident , but there was a convergence of our experiences and a symmetry to our ideas which made the first few months of our existence one of the most stimulating and electrifying of my life .
23 Love is the Grand Unified Force ; and , just as when we watch a good movie , we might become so emotionally involved that we forget it is ‘ only a movie ’ , it is our feelings which make life appear to be so real .
24 Try and pick out the aspects of your background which make you especially suitable for the job you have applied for .
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