Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] while i " in BNC.

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1 I got to admit I did n't pop over just to offer yer some neighbourly 'elp , it was on me mind while I was there to touch you for the loan of a bob .
2 ‘ At least I will be using my skills while I 'm abroad , not just bumming round the world for a year ! ’
3 The manager of the Hotel España was very kind and thoughtful : he would have to let my apartment while I was away , should anyone want it , but promised to let me have it back when I returned after the funeral .
4 She 's supporting an unemployed Turkish waiter with my money while I sit in the dark .
5 He sat on a stool in my kitchen while I was cooking lunch and said , ‘ Do you like this song ? and proceeded to play ‘ Space Oddity ’ .
6 Luckily Andrew appreciated the state I was in and carried my skis while I walked down .
7 I may go to my son 's room and say to him : ‘ Since today is a special day you may play in my study while I work there . ’
8 You 're welcome to borrow my car while I 'm away , but I do n't relish the thought of you driving yourself all that way back alone late on a Saturday night ! ’
9 ‘ Do n't put your hands over my eyes while I 'm driving , there 's a good girl . ’
10 Now would you please get out of my bedroom while I finish dressing ?
11 I WISH to thank the very kind gentleman who gave me money when my purse was stolen from my handbag while I was shopping at Dunn 's store , St John 's Precinct .
12 They both swore it would always remain my home while I wanted it , and so it did .
13 Pushing myself up off the wet ground , I brushed the twigs and earth off my trousers while I checked my pockets .
14 And I make a place for myself where I can watch them both out of the corner of my eye while I read .
15 I AM RESOLVED to leave some brief account of my days while I am still able .
16 He expressed his thanks obliquely , like saying ‘ Some magic fairy came in my room while I was asleep , and put a pile of clean shirts on the dresser ’ .
17 You can suck my cock while I lick your pussy . ’
18 I wonder if they 'll give me one on my back while I 'm there ?
19 All that flashed through my head while I took one step out of the Ladies .
20 Travis queried , and , for the first time in an age , he smiled as he tacked on , ‘ Now that you mention it , I seem to remember now reading something about Massingham 's taking over Vasey 's , but Naylor 's always got his finger in some negotiation , so the Vasey deal would have gone out of my head while I read about his next business venture . ’
21 I grasped her hair with both hands , binding her head against my loins while I came in her mouth , loudly and at some length .
22 I like to put the television on , as there 's usually a very good programme at twelve ten like there is supposedly Rainbow today , but there is n't , which I find very useful for my toddler while I 'm getting lunch for the baby , myself and her , so she can sit down for twenty minutes , there can be a few minutes peace , and there 's just you know it 's just not on .
23 I did not let anybody enter my laboratory or my flat while I was doing this awful work .
24 " I do n't seem to feel my age while I 'm on these little expeditions , or when I 'm drawing . "
25 I 'm doing my homework while I 'm erm whilst I 'm doing my homework which I 'm getting pretty frustrated about .
26 In the morning there is a centimetre of ice on the tent pole to the side of my head , probably from my breath while I slept .
27 Ellen ignored my advice while I , obedient to the rule that if a job needed doing then do it without delay , found a pot of white paint and dug through the locker for a clean brush .
28 And I must do my best to keep my word while I still have the strength .
29 He came to my door while I was having my tea .
30 ( 'Would you look after my children while I go out and enjoy myself ? ’ 'Would you take on extra work because I am tired ? ' )
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