Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [that] you " in BNC.

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1 Although the neighbours made me feel like an evil , uncaring daughter , I knew in my heart that you 'd understand because you always did — I loved you and that was all you needed to know .
2 ‘ You 've won , Leo , ’ she managed quietly , ‘ and I hope with all my heart that you find it a pyrrhic victory . ’
3 I 'll put my money that you will get fined at least once this year .
4 It is my hope that you will bring five thousand pounds .
5 I can not believe my luck that nobody else had the sense to carry you off but that you should still be there for me and that — ’ Well , that could be taken two ways , on second thoughts that might not be the thing to say , no ; ‘ my luck that you should want me in the same way that I want you .
6 Then , seeking for an even more telling shot , ‘ And it 's not my fault that you 're so … so weak-willed that you 're incapable of keeping your word . ’
7 Therefore I am not able to suggest to you , and have n't been able to in my evidence which district even a new settlement er ought to go in , but I have to say that if it were part of your deliberations that you should choose a particular district , er then it is not part of my submission that you should not choose a particular district , but my bottom line is that the policy wording should at least ensure that there is commitment to a new settlement and it is inescapable on behalf of the district planning authorities , the last thing that we would want is the possibility of going round the districts , and the last one to produce a district wide plan is the one that has to get the new settlement , that seems to be a gen , fairly unsatisfactory way of proceeding , and each one should have to consider that as part of their certification process .
8 I do n't wish to hear from them on my return that you 've been airing the kind of sentiments I heard from you today . "
9 This is my grand-daughter that you 're talking about .
10 ‘ It has long been my opinion that you , my dear Shiona , are the most contemptible individual that I have ever encountered . ’
11 It is merely my desire that you complete your studies and take up a form of employ that may be useful for my purposes at some time in the future .
12 And so it is my conclusion that you are at present a man without funds , clearly ignorant of the axiom that ‘ there is no such thing as a free lunch ’ . ’
13 It is as much due to his neglect as my intervention that you find yourself thus , cut off from normal society .
14 Further to our recent telephone conversation I am writing to confirm my instruction that you help to organise and attend a meeting between CPRW , the Gwent and Brecknock Wildlife Trusts , and the promoters of the above bill , Newport Borough Council .
15 In nineteen eighty two , a loaf was thirty seven P and in ninety sorry eighty two , thirty seven P , ninety two , it 's fifty four P and er I 'm reliably informed by er my wife that you can actually get loaves less than that if you go to the er large supermarkets where they 're discounting the bread to get you in the store obviously .
16 I see from my files that you asked us to reserve a copy of the OALDCE 3/e computer tape for your the University of Edinburgh .
17 ‘ Be that as it may , ’ he persisted , ‘ it 's been brought to my notice that you 've expressed somewhat vividly your dislike of a certain member of the Company . ’
18 ‘ Father Prior , ’ said Brother Jerome , between outrage and satisfaction , ‘ something has come to my notice that you should know .
19 It has n't escaped my notice that you 've gone from five-star hotels to virtual slums .
20 However , even though it expresses my belief that you did steal the money , the distinctively ethical role of the sentence is to express my attitude of disfavour towards you for this act .
21 And you have my word that you wo n't be forgotten , not by Whitehall , not by Foreign and Commonwealth .
22 ‘ I know that , ’ Candy returned ruefully , ‘ and it 's always been the bane of my life that you can eat your way through a tuckshop without gaining a pound while I only have to look at a picture of a cream cake to make the scales groan . ’
23 And a fight on my hands that you never experienced . ’
24 If I remind you that you are a person who is aware , receptive to new ideas and willing to give them a try , then my suggestion that you buy Ecover is likely to be well received .
25 It 's my guess that you had an affair in Australia , and that 's what kept you so long . ’
26 ‘ It was my understanding that you knew .
27 Do you really expect me to believe that it 's out of respect for my position that you insist on calling me Mr Vass ? ’
28 And I have pointed out in my papers that you must bear in mind perhaps that er quite a number of Rich er quite a number of the districts in North Yorkshire are of county scale in their sheer size and that therefore it is not inappropriate that at that level that the policies would be refined .
29 ‘ Now , tell me to my face that you do n't want to come with me . ’
30 It sticks in my throat that you know we 've had to pay it but , from the point of view of the residents , we 've done the right thing by letting it .
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