Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 But imposition of direct management by local family health services authority executives will demotivate those many general practitioners for whom responsibility directly to patients is a major source of vocational pride .
2 And God was very good to me there , I was n't the brightest in the year and I had to work very hard , but God always was with me as I always passed my exams much to my surprise .
3 Now I really love dressing up and I 've given all my trainers away to my brother .
4 I 'm a great believer in it , I , I park my car close to that and find it a most convenient way of travelling around .
5 My thanks also to Sandra Burslem and Sue Thorne who kindly lent me their word processor .
6 I would like to extend my thanks also to the officers who have worked er very , very hard er both sides of the Christmas .
7 ‘ I have n't worked for my degree just to be handed a cosy role in the family firm !
8 Personally , I prefer my fingerboards either to be bound with something you can see or left plain as nature intended , but for some reason Saga obviously like their fret-ends disguised .
9 Such training and preparation brought both me and my marriage almost to breaking-point .
10 Colleagues , er since we meet in Portsmouth , let me begin by pinning my colours firmly to the mast and acknowledging that the one issue that will dominate my comments here this morning , alluding to anything else in the time that 's allocated to me , in moving my report I think would simply not reflect my activities on your behalf over the last twelve months .
11 I held my ticket tightly to me and smiled at the thought .
12 I have to tell the house I have in fact put my name forward to be considered as a candidate to stand to stand for Conservative
13 I 'll take my wife home to Bamburgh , Hal , and go north to Berwick myself for part of the summer .
14 If your joints are good , no cramping is necessary but I did put a couple of webbing cramps on my chair just to be on the safe side .
15 In your handout , somewhere , I 'm afraid I have n't got the pages er , cos I do n't have my handout immediately to hand , er I 've got here a short-term er programme .
16 The manner in which we used the social network variable has been fully described elsewhere ( L. Milroy , 1987 ) , and I shall limit my comments here to the question of focusing , stability and normenforcement .
17 Er John Grantham , C P R E , erm just coming back to the to the general questions you you asked earlier about about erm consistency with guidance and and P P G three in particular , erm in in the written evidence we we 've addressed that , and I do n't wish to go over that ground short of saying that that I feel the contribution from er Mr Jewitt , which was Hambledon 's particularly helpful in that regard in in I think explaining erm how government guidance is different now to when to how it was er at the earlier deliberations of the Greater York authorities , and I feel that that 's very important consideration erm , I 'd I 'd like to restrict my my comments just to two points , and they they both really refer to things that were introduced by the representative from from Barton Willmore .
18 Even today I remember my stupefaction close to terror .
19 I heard the noise , and had my hand halfway to my gun when somebody beat me over the head with the Empire State Building .
20 I had warned my men overnight to be prepared for an early start , and a little before sunrise , leaving them to pack up and follow me , I said good-bye to my friends at Dalkania and started on the two-mile climb to the forest road on the ridge above … .
21 I slide my construction across to the windows , and build myself a desk with two more boxes .
22 I decided that the only thing to do was to put my thoughts frankly to Sir Geoffrey .
23 I finished the section I had been writing — an idea left in mid-paragraph tends to vanish very quickly — then took myself and my candle early to bed .
24 Kind people ON Friday , May 28 , I was on my way home to Maghull from Central Station when I had a very nasty fall on the escalator .
25 As I clambered out of the trench and made my way across to Brigade H.Q I could see the jeep with the stretchers on top waiting at the entrance to the orchard .
26 Unsung heroes in such teams are generally administrative staff so I want to offer my congratulations here to June Stabler and Amanda Freeman .
27 For example , if I normally doff my cap only to my superiors , but on an occasion doff my cap to an equal , then I can effectively communicate an ironic regard , with either a joking or a hostile intent ( the non-linguistic example is intended to draw attention to the great generality of the phenomenon ; for a study of a particular linguistic practice and the jokes thus made available , see the study of the openings of telephone calls by Schegloff ( 1979a ) ) .
28 ‘ It 's asking a bit much of my brain even to be compos mentis , let alone capable of storming anything . ’
29 The sales and production directors therefore often ask the financial director to put their views informally to the managing director and to sound out his opinion before they approach him formally .
30 More ambitiously , it appointed envoys to present their views directly to the politicians .
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