Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [conj] you " in BNC.

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1 No , cos I want to keep them dry cos you can wear them tomorrow .
2 Myth no. 5 : exercise will take too much of my energy and leave me exhausted If you 're exhausted at the end of the day , you 'll probably benefit from more exercise not less .
3 He 's done nothing wrong and you 're lucky to have such a conscientious officer .
4 Be able to get me some if you can , get me some green
5 It 's a terrible thing to see someone unhappy when you want to help them and you ca n't .
6 For example , both English and Tamil have pronouns , but in Tamil there is much greater differentiation in the system , particularly in the third person singular : The respectful form is used in speaking of someone older than you or above you in status .
7 ‘ I managed on my own before you came along , madam , ’ Josie said , not really offended but acting the part .
8 ‘ I 've decided I 'm not going to give another concert on my own until you start working again , ’ he said .
9 I 'm used to being on my own and you 've had a long day . ’
10 ‘ I 'll go up on my own if you 'd rather not . ’
11 Like it is n't you know that the Eucharist , er the the the communion is very central to our worship and having had ten years working at the Navy that was an eye opener and deepening of my own spiritual awareness in the , as in the sanctity that I got , the sacrament and how other churches see it and er helped to create a very affirm , at the very centre of my own if you like , pilgrimage .
12 on my own if you
13 It involves getting someone other than you to make and carry out decisions , and to achieve results , for which you are nevertheless ultimately responsible .
14 so wherever you are in the country , you can contact someone local when you need the union 's help .
15 Keep them warm as you make them .
16 Please keep them separate if you can .
17 It makes me nervous when you keep dipping unexpectedly like that . ’
18 If you give in to the fears which are projected onto the inner screen of your mind , you make your intentions to overcome them impossible and you will be weighed down by your past failures , finding you lack the courage to confront the problem or the person who in the past has won over you .
19 well its interesting that you 've remembered it , I mean do you wish you had reported it ?
20 oh no its straight after You 've Been Framed
21 It was somehow thought of as being irreverent but to members of your own family and people your own age or somebody younger than you you would use thee and thou .
22 no I hate it when each party calls each other blind , oh yes its , its better if you have us and were gon na do this and were gon na do that it gets on my nerves its really irritating
23 I want to make her better but you ca n't do that so you 've got to make some effort .
24 ‘ I know her better than you do ! ’
25 Your village or corner shop , on the other hand , usually gives the opportunity for a friendly chat This in itself is worth paying a penny or two more on sultanas , and it provides regular contact with the shopkeeper , who will soon realize that ‘ you hear her better if you see her face ’ .
26 BELVILLE : Why , Mrs. Jervis , are there any men that will not let her alone that you know of ?
27 Farmhouses are often isolated , so they can offer an ideal opportunity for the burglar — that 's why its essential that you make sure your farm is as secure as possible .
28 ‘ It 'll hit her worse than you think , ’ was what he said .
29 And then you see you come along where you 're pushing them to live on their own and you make suggestions .
30 DIP systems come into their own when you need rapid access to paperwork or you can not afford long lead times between the documents arriving and being available for reference .
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