Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 There is nothing odd in it .
2 Later in 1925 , Gleizes wrote again : ‘ … what will come out of Cubism … will be the painting as an emotive event in itself with nothing descriptive about it , having the quality of an object and the same relationship to nature . ’
3 A shadowy , elegiac beauty clothed Aurae Phiala , but there was nothing alive within it .
4 He was demanding , but so was she , both of them raging out of control , riding the wild storm that flung them helpless before it , clinging to each other as the only certain thing in a world gone mad .
5 ‘ 1912 and nothing wrong with it at all . ’
6 Wyllie 's verdict was a typically gruff Kiwi understatement : ‘ There was nothing wrong with it . ’
7 There was n't nothing wrong with it — it was just a little bashed up on one end , that 's all .
8 In itself , there is nothing wrong with it .
9 Nothing wrong with it , ’ said Wilcox .
10 Nothing wrong with it , but at first I thought it was nondescript , and then I thought it felt weird .
11 In principle , there 's nothing wrong with it .
12 There 's nothing wrong with it but that 's when I do it .
13 There 's nothing wrong with it .
14 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with it , ’ she replied rather firmly , and I felt unspeakable tenderness towards her .
15 Again , there is nothing wrong with it except that it is " do as I say " and not " let's find out what is right for you " .
16 there were nothing wrong with it .
17 As a formula , there was nothing wrong with it .
18 There was nothing wrong with it except that she doubted it was true and was certain Holly was showing it to Maureen for approval .
19 ‘ There 's nothing wrong with it . ’
20 There 's nothing wrong with it — it 's only a way of saying they think I 'm pretty .
21 The more readily answered questions , nothing wrong with it , it 's great but again er you fall into patterns do n't you I 'm sure you on training courses we know that er one or two people are content to have the answer , so what will the rest of us do ?
22 Because I there 's nothing wrong with it .
23 Right er I 've got nothing wrong with it .
24 And nothing wrong with it at all , if that was what was right for you , but it was n't right for Maria , and it sure as eggs was n't right for Kath !
25 It was n't just her body , either , though God knew there was nothing wrong with it .
26 There 's nothing wrong with it . ’
27 When the police returned the car they told him there was nothing wrong with it and the engine was legitimate .
28 ‘ But there was nothing wrong with it , apart from the colour , so we decided to cut it up and sell it as skirt lengths . ’
29 Nothing wrong with it
30 Do you know what I mean it is erm it 's his car and I ca n't do nothing wrong with it .
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