Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] such [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Preparing the ‘ patchwork pieces ’ from remnants was an ideal occupation for her continuing band of outworkers ; Laura considered it an essential part of her duty to keep feeding these women , many of whom lived such isolated lives in the hills that they might go for days without talking to anyone .
2 Scientists , on both sides of no-man 's land , become bitterly indignant when someone points such external influences out to them .
3 I disdained such vulgar exhibitionism , however .
4 This new version came as a surprise , for rarely have I heard such contrasting views of the same piece .
5 That said I 've also been taken aback by Morrissey 's oddly derogatory remarks about Pakistanis as an 18-year-old and , without dwelling on them , I must say I found such flippant adolescent observations infuriatingly inconsistent with his general world view .
6 Into this category I put such obvious improvements as eliminating sexism from textbooks , other curriculum materials and examinations .
7 I imagine such harmless make-believe was quite a comfort .
8 NOT since big John Wayne played a Roman centurian who drawled his crucifiction line in The Greatest Story Ever Told have I seen such hilarious mis-casting as we have in Columbus : The Discovery ( Braveworld , PG , out now ) .
9 Never before at all the meetings that I have attended have I seen such enormous attendances as I have seen during this campaign and that is illustrated by this packed audience tonight . ’
10 But the frequency with which I receive such public congratulations ( to the great embarrassment of my nine-year-old son ) seems to indicate that at least a proportion of those who buy the book actually do read it .
11 I was not aware of that incident , but I deplore such racist attacks without any reservation whatsoever .
12 I bought such beautiful , expensive clothes .
13 I said such stupid things to Mr Prentice … ’
14 ‘ You were shocked like me and I said such awful things . ’
15 I had such great plans for that house .
16 I had such high hopes then but all this time and we 're no further on , she thought .
17 I had such queer desires to speak to her , to give her my flowers , to kiss her hand , but did not of course , partly from cowardice , partly because she , however innocent , would probably be afraid ; and the old man was there , too .
18 Horror writer Stephen King on the secret of his success : ‘ People want to know why I write such gross stuff .
19 ‘ But I have such tiny , indulgent claws . ’
20 He said : ‘ But I 'm so happy to know that I have such warm and loving relatives .
21 I have such wonderful memories of his kindness .
22 It 's just that I have such happy pictures in my mind of those times that pipes will always have nice associations for me .
23 It was quite humbling to work with Karajan , and then of course I have such fond memories of Sinopoli in London , and Levine in New York .
24 Student Irina Dumitrescu said : ‘ Michael is the king of rock , but I feel angry that his agents have chosen to put him in Snagov which represents such bitter memories for Romanians . ’
25 We need to remind ourselves , and quite forcibly , that these typical complaints come from the period of history in which Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree conducted their pioneering studies of urban life which revealed such awful poverty among the common people .
26 For example , although many people hold that pasteurized milk wo n't make acceptable cheese of any kind , the Italian-owned Milkflower factory which produces such delicious fresh ricotta cheese — a traditional Italian whey cheese — right here in the centre of London ( in Percy Mews , W.I , to be exact ) uses ordinary Marketing Board milk .
27 She can not bear the prospect of another gloomy Christmas on the Norfolk estate which holds such awful memories .
28 Things are so grim that the group , which covers such diverse enterprises as engineering and house building , has been forced to pay its 6p total dividend out of reserves .
29 This rationale may be necessary self-reassurance to a government which has such obvious difficulty feeling positive about public spending on jobs .
30 For this reason , government-provided services which reduced such high rates would contribute to raising the national wealth .
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