Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] only [prep] " in BNC.

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1 First there was a vague lightening of the sky ahead , then the drumming of the rain was less persistent , the lesser darkness in the heavens spread until it was over them , they could distinguish the greater irregularities of the ground , the last few drops of rain splashed down and a blissful silence spread around them broken only by the sibillations of the water draining away among the rocks and the splash of their sodden feet .
2 That is , if a group announces that it will organise a counter demonstration in opposition to one of which the police have been notified under section 11 , the police can if necessary subject the late comers to conditions imposed under sections 12 or 14 that effectively prevent the two groups from clashing , or permitting them to meet only in carefully controlled conditions .
3 I have no commercial gallery and I sell only through commissions and the Royal Academy ; moreover having always had a teaching job , I have no real need to sell .
4 I lived only for the day when I would come into my own .
5 PAMELA : I fear only for my heart .
6 C. P. Snow I met only at feasts at Churchill College , where he was a Fellow .
7 Amazingly the EMI Argerich/Rabinovitch Visions de l'Amen I reviewed only in December 1990 has already been deleted , along with the Labèque sisters in the Erato anniversary edition ( 4/89 ) , so there is all the more reason to welcome the Adès issue and to be quick about snapping it up .
8 So I says only on one condition if your daddy pi leaves you at the door at school and picks you up
9 I 'll tell you , Crilly , about my first trip to Scotland and the men in chip shops who call you ‘ Hen ’ and the lads wearing green Celtic scarves at lunchtime and broad pointy-horned cattle and graveyards macabre with the tilting of tombstones caked with moss and weeds , sheep grazing and weaving amongst them , and a coastal fishing town in Harris where a night sky shimmers only to itself and I am without friends from , the real world and I listen only for the sound of the tin whistle while the boats rock gently in the jetty and the sky rages from beige to black and craggy mountains dart until forever and a fisherman stands , stunning and alone , strong and unnamed , and leads me slowly into that everchanging sea .
10 I ride only with Felipe or when he is near .
11 I myself feel that the cat and the dog who live in the same house with me are fellow members of my family circle , closer related to me socially than the human neighbour next door whom I know only by sight and name , and infinitely closer than some odd Brazilian or Melanesian , with whom my only connection is that we are fellow men .
12 It will be noticed that I refer only to those cases where the patient , or someone on his behalf , has made his view known .
13 I escaped only by jumping on a bus to Warminster .
14 Among the three-quarters of a million evacuees was one , whom I remember only as Ron , and who was drafted to my uncle 's home .
15 By Luke 's own admission he saw her as shallow , someone interested only in a good time and a string of boyfriends .
16 It 's really I suppose only in the y'know nineteenth century that the perspective starts to shift , the perspective starts to shift towards understanding rape as a crime of violence .
17 Let us suppose that , when invited to judge actions or persons , I appeal only to what is , never to what ought to be .
18 I ask only for a heart as constant
19 But once we had arrived , and I was on my way to Miss Havisham 's house , I thought only of my bright future .
20 I thought only of myself .
21 The drive is spectacular : gorges and tropical rain forests and waterfalls on every hand , but I thought only of Poppy .
22 I thought only about my beautiful cat as the huge engines purred and the round wheels revolved enabling us two-legged people to journey in comparative comfort through the streets of London town ! ’
23 I hesitated only for a moment as I approached the shop , then walked straight in .
24 THE grandfather continues : ‘ I think only in the short term .
25 In that sense the traditional notion of Picasso as a more conceptual artist than Matisse holds but I think only in that sense .
26 Looking back now I wonder only at my arrogance .
27 I live only for you .
28 I live only for you .
29 I live only for you …
30 I compete only with myself , Albé , not with you , ’ Shelley said .
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