Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] which [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As Nelson has performed Berlioz with a fair number of different orchestras in Europe and America , I asked which have shown the greatest flair for it in his experience .
2 You will have erm before you on the sheet a number of resolutions from the groups in relation to the budget and although the motions have n't been put , I 'll just refer you to a statement which I produced which seems to compare the compare the motions the draft motions from each of the groups .
3 As I say which came about when they built the flats and filled those .
4 I remember once , I was rehearsing a piece of Bach — I forget which piece it was — and I suddenly felt in a state of absolute harmony .
5 Also , what books can I buy which deal specifically with Goldfish and Carp .
6 Your next question will be , ‘ How do I know which voice I am listening to , because both mentors choose the same voice to speak ? ’
7 Such a fragile sense of identity , such a ceaseless , hopeless questing , I could not help but sympathise with : how many books had I seen which asked Who Are The Scots ?
8 What experiences have I had which have showed by adventurousness , adaptability and tolerance ?
9 Television critic , I am here to tell you , is the only job in journalism I know which obviates the need to ever get out of bed .
10 The only place I know which had water supplied by the Tees Valley Water Board was West Friar House , which was owned by Roy Bainbridge .
11 Interestingly enough , that 's the only book as far as I know which veers from history .
12 ‘ Well , Mr Holroyd , I think I know which photographs you are referring to .
13 Only I know which carved wooden panel to press to release the catch and allow me into the sanctuary of my past .
14 I know you 're going to be interviewed and I know which network it is , so do n't deny a thing . ’
15 How do I decide which to present ?
16 I believe erm the rulers of Kuwait at the time were very erm wise to make such treaty with the British for the protection of their country and the British respected the Kuwait autonomy at the time and this joint erm respect for each other I believe which gave rise to Kuwait to be what it is today .
17 The letter I saw which alerted er , users and their carers about these items on the agenda , seem to be an indication for them to , to express their opinions back through the Social Services Department , now if that 's consultation , then the process has started .
18 Rather little to respond to I think which does n't mean that good work has not been done .
19 He was then dropped , but came to England in 1987 , scoring 11 first-class runs in five innings on the whole tour , and not taking a wicket ( I wonder which run he remembers most ! ) .
20 John Harlow directed a series of films for British National , but probably his biggest success was While I Live which featured the very popular music the Dream of .
21 There are two other books that I co-authored which cover this aspect .
22 To this letter I received a reply dated I March which contained some of the most interesting remarks he ever communicated to me , and which is of permanent value in reflecting his opinions on much wider issues :
23 Since the UK dole is so little , that is self evident , and indeed I am writing down all I spend which concentrates the mind appropriately , given that the standing orders for gas and power go on .
24 I wondered which had come first , the chill and disenchantment of her worldly sophistication , or the lack of warmth in her son : and perhaps there was ice in both of them , and the one had reinforced the other .
25 I did n't know what career I wanted which baffled the system so they sent me to Edinburgh for a year .
26 A new generation of a sell system has been successfully introduced into all our stores which integrates which integrates more closely the retailing distribution and manufacturing systems and raises the level of management information and control .
27 During the summer we had serious problems report on childrens homes which erm which y'know which pointed out a few things y'know that had n't been doing well , mainly , mainly in defence of erm because they did put in a lot of effort
28 During the summer we had serious problems , we had a report on children homes which erm which y'know which pointed out a few things y'know that had n't been doing well , mainly , mainly in defence of erm because they did put in a lot of effort into fostering y'know and the children homes y'know need , as Councillor would y'know will , they did a very good job actually representing at the time .
29 The two groups of cases discussed above reflect different answers to that question , and Lord Esher 's analysis simply reiterates ex post that divergence ; the analysis does not provide us with an ex ante tool with which to determine which group a case should fall into .
30 Every system has its good points and drawbacks and , in the end , it is up to the cichlid keeper himself to decide which to use .
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