Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The patron , mademoiselle , instructed me to drive you wherever you wished to go .
2 How would you manage without me to carry you through ? ’
3 ‘ I suppose you 're expecting me to carry you now ? ’ he charged tersely .
4 It only makes me want you all the more .
5 When I move against them do not expect me to treat you differently from the way I treat them .
6 ‘ Yesterday you were a very Good Samaritan , ’ she smiled , and took the opportunity , while he seemed halfway friendly , to enquire , ‘ I do n't suppose it would be convenient for me to interview you now , Mr Gajdusek , would it ? ’
7 David advised me to sound you out on it .
8 Then , with distant civility , ‘ Perhaps you 'll allow me to see you safely to your hotel ? ’
9 I have passed on to them the teaching and worship tapes sent on to e here and they have asked me to thank you sincerely and they ask you to continue to pray for them .
10 Mr Mason has asked me to thank you very much for the invitation to attend the announcement of the name of the winning architect chosen to design the new Museum on 13th August .
11 So with that if one of them goes you just have to buy that as an element just slot it it comes it 's like a light bulb .
12 Let me chop you that much , you eat up that
13 ‘ Well , there 's nothing to frighten you here . ’
14 Do you want me to meet you tomorrow or anything ?
15 You told me to meet you further back . ' ’
16 I wo n't let a one of them touch you again . ’
17 The counsellor said , ‘ You are describing Sarah in a very loving and respectful way — but you sound angry when you say that you expect me to pull you up for not describing her as a lover , too .
18 we 'll have to let them catch you right at the right , where the music tells you too , dum , oh
19 ‘ Shall I make you up some nice sandwiches ? ’
20 The reason I asked you just now what you planned to do was that Laura , my sister — you remember her , do n't you ?
21 Even taking into account the fact that you 're dead , really … ask yourself , if I asked you straight off — I 'm going to stuff you in this box now , would you rather be alive or dead ?
22 A : When you ask that you betray your belief that one class is indeed superior to another : that to be born to the uneducated lower classes is a singular life-problem : though I 'm sure if I asked you straight you would , in your gentle , blind , liberal way , deny it .
23 I asked you not to . ’
24 I asked you not to come , ’ Kopyion said .
25 If he/she fails to comply promptly , say , ‘ If you do not do as I asked you immediately you will have to sit on the chair in the hall . ’
26 I asked you why you need Jotan . ’
27 ‘ Several moments ago I asked you why you thought there was a drugs ring operating in the club , ’ she said .
28 You have n't ans answered my question Mr Chairman , I asked you why did the Council vote to this museum on the Norfolk enquired by trust which to be given you by the Suffolk Authority Wild Life Trust
29 I asked you here because you are due a bonus . ’
30 ‘ Look , I know that one should n't mix business with pleasure , but if I asked you again , would you come out with me ? ’
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