Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This helps them to see a 3-D object as a simpler , two-dimensional configuration of lines and shapes .
2 For some of these adults , aged from their twenties to forties , expert counselling on a one to one basis is helping them to go a great deal further .
3 Our timber floor is made of attractive boards in good condition , so I 'm wondering if there are any problems with staining them and then finishing them using a clear varnish .
4 It is justly ironic that the Government , which refused to control the industry and protect the environment , has also refused to help them conduct a price-fixing operation .
5 They know about science from television and from their school teacher , and any other source of information to them is really beneficial to let them make a sensible decision .
6 Nothing irritates a daily newspaper picture editor more than an allegedly topical photograph sent to him by post .
7 First to tell me wins a signed photo of Jon Newsome : - )
8 But before I do this , let me make a philosophical point .
9 President Bush defended his administration 's cautious response , saying he had seen no facts since Tuesday which ‘ would have made me make a different decision ’ .
10 So all they 're asking really as you 're the landlords , do you have any objection to them building a new er mower store ?
11 So spoke Arnold Wesker at the Riverside Studios where , next week , he will take the unusual step of mounting eight rehearsed readings of his play , Shylock , formerly titled The Merchant , in a bid to raise enough interest from commercial backers to persuade them to mount a full production .
12 it expects them to lose a staggering twenty million pounds in the first year .
13 A few of these difficult public-interest cases go , not to the disciplinary committee , but to the Joint Disciplinary Scheme : not more than about one or two a year , but each of them demanding a great investment of time and money .
14 You 've caused me to lose a whole valuable day 's work .
15 ( b ) it enables them to cultivate a particular part , or segment , of a market .
16 ‘ You have also invited me to wear a British hat , ’ Mark continued .
17 Many of the reformers of the 1870s and 1880s believed that women would earn both a new respect , if they could eschew the frivolities of fashion , and a new freedom which would liberate them to perform a useful role in society .
18 Although the spinal patients had no specific rectal sensation during rectal distension , almost half of them experienced a dull pelvic sensation at maximum distension .
19 On 18 August it met with the Health Authority 's officials and asked them to conduct a public health survey which it would pay for , mainly to reassure the public that , although the EC limits for aluminium had been exceeded over 500 times , and those for sulphate , copper , zinc and lead had also been broken , there was no long-term harm .
20 One of them frisks a large steel ashtray and hands a roach to another .
21 The two of them make a right pair , sending messages , leaving notes you look at this , now ! ’
22 You shall perceive them make a mutual stand ,
23 It may be only outsider skepticism that leads me to see a subtle , probably subconscious new emphasis on the word ‘ choice ’ .
24 For example , if the figure was a line diagram of a room with four windows set at different heights , the programme would ask me whether a line of sight from the far corner of the room would enable me to see a particular point outside the window nearest to me , a point that shifted on the screen at speed .
25 I 'm eight and a half years old and disgusted that my mother has to come with me to see A Hard Day 's Night when usually she just sees me to the edge of the estate and across the main road .
26 Moreover should you persuade them to attend a local rally or the Crystal Palace Reunion they will immediately reap the benefit of obtaining their tickets at a reduced rate .
27 Malatie and her husband were prepared to make sacrifices so that their children might get a decent education : they were paying for two of them to attend a special boarding school for Harijans .
28 The names of the other two workers have been placed on the waiting list for the test to permit them to drive a mini bus .
29 The names of the other two workers have been placed on the waiting list for the test to permit them to drive a mini bus .
30 I tried to convince him there must be jugs at the grade and he fell for it , allowing me to breathe a great sigh of relief .
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