Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He 's not the kind of person any of them want to have as a friend .
2 and a luminous dream I 'd had of origin :
3 This part of the dream was like many others I 'd had about him .
4 I 'd had about as soon as he come to bed I cuddled up to him and I got up at ten to eleven .
5 ‘ I 'd have stayed out there four hours if I 'd had to .
6 ‘ To tell you the truth , I do n't know , but I 'd like to think that I could have pulled the trigger if I 'd had to .
7 After the day I 'd had at work .
8 Like one I 'd had at school .
9 For me that was vindication for the disagreements I 'd had with Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson , both of whom saw the music and titles after they 'd been done and said they did n't like them .
10 My first-ever story for a national magazine was about another of my seminal Ali experiences — a sparring session I 'd had with the Champ in 1975 , when , because of his influence , I was trying to make a living as a kickboxer .
11 I was starting to get that unreal sense , the dream feeling I 'd had on invasion day all that time ago ; the idea that it was n't really me who was going through all this .
12 Yeah well I mean I saw him what , either a fortnight or three weeks ago , three , probably about three weeks , and at that stage my plaster that I 'd had on after the er op had only been off perhaps a fortnight , it was Christmas intervening you see , so he had every sort of right to say , you know , oh well yeah it should be okay , yeah .
13 I felt then that at last the ambitions I 'd had for so long were possible , and that I could stop worrying about the gypsy who 'd looked at me closely a couple of years earlier , and said : ‘ You 'll never come to anything , you wo n't . ’
14 When I left school , which was in nineteen thirty , it was a bad time for employment , there was a lot of unemploy unemployed people and I tried and tried and eventually I was offered a job at the Bloxwich Lock and Stamping Company in Bell Lane Alexander works , it was er er Squires 's were , er it 's a family er er concern , and erm it was the first offer I 'd had for employment so I took it .
15 I had one of the best nights I 'd had for ages , and slept through the rest of the ebb and the whole of the flood .
16 Of all the opportunities I 'd had for a good chat-up line , simply croaking ‘ Hospital ’ was n't one of my best .
17 I could n't see how you could get a lot of maths into physics on the grounds of the experience I 'd had in school .
18 Rufus asks me what I 'd had in mind , and I shrug .
19 I needed a break and a ticket to Corfu was the medicine I 'd had in mind for a considerable time .
20 However , after some time had passed , and I had exhausted the tasks which could usefully be achieved with the implements I happened to have at hand , Miss Kenton was evidently still outside .
21 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
22 I took these definitions from the dictionaries I happened to have in my house when I was writing this .
23 When-e'er you mow 'd I follow 'd with the Rake ,
24 So all the players that I teach have to be very strong .
25 Despite Sealink 's best efforts , I ca n't wait to escape our tiny cabin for the Bentley , whose interior I reckon has about the same amount of room but is more expensively trimmed .
26 I do have to .
27 I mean , with Fly-Buttons up there in the ratings , I do have to be a bit careful . ’
28 And since it 's about all I do have until the end of the month I shall have to use it . "
29 ‘ The one thing I do have in common with William , ’ conceded Preston , ‘ is that we both grew up knowing the heavens might open at any moment and drop a load of shit on our heads . ’
30 Well it was understood that Bisses got most of theirs from restaurants , and all restaurants I think had to sort of hand over all their waste for the war or something .
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