Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pn reflx] of " in BNC.

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1 If an employer does not prevent them availing themselves of the opportunity to learn business secrets how can he later seek to restrain an employee from using the same information .
2 I divested myself of all my own French honours and laid them in my elder son 's lap on condition he should be content to be French , as I had discovered I was English .
3 I availed myself of this service .
4 Realising that I was piqued by the recognition that I was not singular even in what I had considered an inadequacy , I convicted myself of lack of humility .
5 Then I accused myself of ungenerosity .
6 Again I accept the constant parental care has been of the highest calibre and I remind myself of the many tributes to the quality of that care in the evidence before me .
7 I promise I will give you good warning before I avail myself of this privilege .
9 ‘ I know that you are predisposed to leave things here ; I have employed purely technical means to help you rid yourself of something you wish to regard as a technical problem but behind this eidetic delusion we both know there lies an emotional reality .
10 Shocking as the assault had been , it had prepared her for another encounter — an encounter with a youth of her own age , bewildered and uneasy , one called to high estate who found himself of a sudden alone on the edge of an abyss …
11 When he had gone through to the bedroom , tired , shaking , cold , she stripped herself of all the finery — fighting with clasps , pushing and twisting rings .
12 One could take the view , for example , that important constraints on social equality are imposed by the opportunities available in society , regardless of who avails themselves of them , and that we do not want a measure that is insensitive to such constraints .
13 The keynote address was by architect Robert Venturi , winner of the 1991 Pritzker Prize , who availed himself of the opportunity to trumpet his firm 's recent commissions , which include the Sainsbury Wing and the Seattle Art Museum .
14 Curiously , there were very few who availed themselves of this privilege .
15 She was happy when she starved herself of new clothes and expensive hairdressers , her bun gone , her blonde hair cut short , strict and styleless , by a merciless local hairdresser .
16 But then she reminded herself of the promise she had made to another whom she loved .
17 Time and again she told herself she was fortunate to see the back of him , so often she reminded herself of the despicable way he had behaved .
18 Longing to scream at him to set her free , she reminded herself of her drama-school training , and instead forced herself to look as if she had no more feeling than a block of wood .
19 You accuse yourself of rape .
20 Others say she avenges herself of the insult offered by her erstwhile lover by luring fishermen and other sailors to their doom .
21 At this point she accused herself of exaggeration and made some boring remark about the countryside .
22 You free yourself of the hold others had over you when you allowed them this control over your life .
23 Nigel had reasoned that , as most washing originated where one divested oneself of one 's dirty clothes and bed linen , i.e. the top floor , it was poor time-and-motion study to have the cleaning apparatus on the ground floor .
24 This means that we deprive ourselves of their expertise and the valuable contributions they can make as well as failing to challenge the implications of statements such as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 's claim , ‘ Children who need to be able to count and multiply are learning anti-racist mathematics — whatever that may be . ’
25 Then , we remind ourselves of the supreme example of Christ , who placed his trust in his father 's love and ascended the hill of Calvary for our redemption .
26 The fact that the position is more complicated , however , should be obvious if we remind ourselves of the point I made at the beginning of Chapter 2 : how variable teachers are .
27 However , we remind ourselves of the principles outlined earlier in this judgment and the observation of Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest in Connelly v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1964 ] A.C. 1254 , 1304 , that
28 However , we remind ourselves of the principles outlined earlier in this judgment and the observation of Lord Morris of Borth-y-Gest in Connelly v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1964 ] A.C. 1254 , 1304 , that ‘ generally speaking a prosecutor has as much right as a defendant to demand a verdict of a jury on an outstanding indictment , and where either demands a verdict a judge has no jurisdiction to stand in the way of it . ’
29 But if one rids oneself of the idea that there need be any thing in common to good things , other than that they are good , one will be ready to recognize that there may be other good things which do not involve pleasure , that some things which involve pleasure may be good rather than bad , and that relative goodness need not be proportional to relative pleasurableness .
30 But the needs of his body , so long suppressed , caused him to avail himself of her a second time , and towards the end he felt himself impregnate her .
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