Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pers pn] were " in BNC.

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1 Our traditional British reserve made them think we were very hostile and resented them being here , and their extrovert camaraderie we regarded as showing off .
2 And in the morning there was nothing to see they were floating about you know with the floods .
3 The fact that they broke in but did n't take anything , and also that they were obviously professionals , makes me think they were looking for something specific .
4 The 20th Century Fox logo always made me think we were about to see a war film , as the searchlights that had woken us in London in the blitz always preceded an air-raid .
5 You let me think you were Judith ! ’
6 ‘ Everything you said and did made me think you were a very experienced woman . ’
7 Rebecca Hall then came up with four other volunteers … all of whom admitted they were n't farmers .
8 ‘ Not a word out of that dog to let me know you were coming , ’ her mother said crossly .
9 ‘ You should have let me know you were coming earlier , I 'd have had a car waiting at the airport for you . ’
10 He let me know you were all right .
11 Why did n't you let me know you were coming ? ’
12 Why did n't you ring me and let me know you were coming ?
13 Why has everyone forgotten we were 4th the year before ( above scum ) , and the year before that won the 2nd division ?
14 I mean they were on farms all round here and erm people used to , they used to do a lot of toys .
15 I mean they were n't badly Me father at th er at the beginning of the war he worked he worked at the Grove pit , down the mine at the Grove and he used to be on afternoons .
16 suddenly I mean they were outcasts
17 And erm I mean they were quite they would n't they would n't get rid of a baby , but a lot of people thought they would .
18 er policing of the flats , I mean they were n't erm strongly in evidence .
19 So that 's what flat machines do , they knit , these particular Jacquard and , and that 's what the continentals were good at , it , cos they look , I mean they were far more , we 're so conservative in this country , little better now obviously we do more nowad you know we 're talking about just after the war the Italians and the French were into colour , not garish colour , subtle lovely colours .
20 And that that was n't regular , I mean they were n't fighting ?
21 Er so I mean they were in use more or less all the time but er it was it was n't , it was n't too bad , better than a lot of hospitals had .
22 I mean they were lovely boots I mean a pair of water boots three pounds twelve and six and we used to put them , er make 'em soft , we used to do them over with text oil .
23 Cos I mean they were , they were , they had so many you know , that was a lot
24 They would n't , I mean they were old men
25 I mean they were n't aluminium so they blew off I used to wear one of those and er , you know , for safety , you see , but er anyway I survived the survived the war and but wh it 's amazing really when I look back how we d how we managed because we had such nice people in there , as I say and like these actors Jack Claude Cecily .
26 And that that came round er I mean they were stamped and er the turn you know the each I I do n't I do n't remember what what they were examined , but er th you know the the that was the law that they had to be .
27 And this was out of a you know er I mean they were only what Oh could n't be more than about six eight people working in the Well not actually fitters but er you know , they were involved within the shop sort of thing .
28 And er the foreman and bosses that knew people and they knew the circumstances and I suppose they put a word in and erm you know men were sort of stopped because er I mean , if a man had a house full of children or something , he 'd probably be the very last you know before he was sort of forced to g you know sacked or wh And I mean they were n't sacked in a sense , they was always ready there was a place ready for them to come back to there .
29 I mean they were pretty shambly when I got to them and I made a supreme effort to get everything going the way I wanted it to go .
30 And I mean the kids the kids that we yo yo some kids er , I mean they were just beautiful and other kids lost them within a couple of days !
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