Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [det] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Some have the full range of infrastructural provision enabling them to accommodate all but the heaviest industries , while others are capable of occupation only by light industry or warehouses .
2 One of them asked another if he remembered how the Magistrate Sahib had tried to make them strengthen the embankments and this caused such merriment that one of the landowners almost fell into the water .
3 I was wondering how on earth I should endure these hunting days , especially when they all came back and crowed over me about the jolly time they 'd had , and then I thought , by jove , there 's Alexandra Abbott and she does n't hunt and she made me laugh more than anyone has for years .
4 It 's bad enough looking through the new sections and the main articles and seeing nothing mentioned less than E4 , 6b .
5 It was easy enough to demand racial equality , fair distribution of the wealth of the world , or equal rights for women : none of those would happen tomorrow , and none of them involved more than the most superficial cosmetic surgery to make yourself credible .
6 You do n't like me to know more than you .
7 Looming over them obscuring more than half the sky , the bow of the tanker swept by their stern , pushing a rolling black mound of water .
8 I read that as well .
9 I made that and put it away .
10 I mean you 've got to try and keep yourself afloat , and then even that 's not going to help you , if nobody comes along and picks you up either , so I mean that But I mean I I did n't Oh well I Suppose I could say I gave up hope a few times but obviously if you s The struggle to survive comes through in the long run , and I mean it 's it 's not easy to give up hope ,
11 And I suppo I mean all that happened with that particular one was a couple of erm of er black black I think they were youth workers , I 'm not actually sure .
12 so I was n't quite sure of the answer that you gave back with me walking back from the camera so I just wanted to qualify that so that , I mean all that I noticed was that there was nothing that , that , no information that you tried to get out of him .
13 So , I mean , all you do is get , I mean this and this has been down well it 's , obviously it 's been down since it opened , now I ca n't remember when Brewer actually opened
14 You got a very good committee , dedicated committee erm who , you see the young trainees were sent to the technical colleges and you see , erm some of them did go on if they graduated to Stanford Hall , but I mean those that went to technical college , we used to have to get the committee to sit in at the examinations .
15 I mean more than the nuclear umbrella and the massive and rapid reinforcement capability that America offers within a NATO structure .
16 So you know I mean more than that by all means , you know , er so much the better , you know y the more the merrier but erm certainly you know kind of it 's a good idea to at least try and get that many erm
17 so that we know and also it puts the guy in context for I mean these if I remember I mean H M S O are mega bucks buyers
18 No no , no I realized that but I just could n't remember .
19 Nevertheless , I eat more than my fair share of oysters , and filch one of her lobster claws after I 've eaten my own .
20 Once I realised that and corrected it , the rest of the sweater was knitted without any problem .
21 This diversion was unnecessary , thought Bennett , and I fear this and many similar instances were to befall him whilst commanding No 8 Group — for example , the introduction of the Master Bomber role , and the Group commander 's broadcast prior to the disastrous Nuremburg raid in March 1944 .
22 And then I sold that and ended up getting a Strat .
23 I got all that because I worked so hard at school .
24 I got that while I was playing with a band in Houston , Texas ; I walked into a store , saw it on the wall and just flipped .
25 but she said there were n't many people there actually and I got that but the proceeds
26 I got that and a midi hi-fi system .
27 I think I got that because of my tracheotomy — I think I probably should have gotten it before , but I 'd been a bad girl .
28 I know cos I know when , when I got these when I came , about two weeks ago
29 I liked the sound he was getting and so I got some and they are the ones I 'm still using now . ’
30 And then I got another when it come to nineteen eighteen we got bombed out again .
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