Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [noun prp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I still have n't given , that 's reminded me seeing Shona there , I , I do n't think I 've given her that pair of trousers and the sweatshirt and I told her that I 've got them .
2 More people were drifting into the club , all of whom asked Erika how her interview had gone .
3 And nothing is going to stop me singing Margarita tonight ! ’
4 Everyone places Wetherby very firmly at the hetero end of the spectrum .
5 Damn you , Kenneth Harris , thought Melissa , for making me doubt Barney all over again .
6 Would you like me to try Veronica later or deliver that ?
7 Patrick climbed out first and them helped Jane down ; Collins was the last man out , and Patrick heard him murmur to the driver , " Around the block the long way , only stop if you see us on the street . "
8 Mr asked me to come Wednesday when you went .
9 I asked Roger how he managed to establish this kind of control , to reproduce with twenty or more disruptive pupils the semblance of a ‘ model ’ lesson .
10 I asked Terry why this was .
11 I asked Fleischmann why there was so much concern .
12 I asked Harry how his leg was .
13 Of course , I asked Philippa why .
14 We went out for dinner that evening and I asked Sheila why she 'd brought an egg poacher .
15 I asked Kerry how she decided whether to write on her own or with another person .
16 I asked Pamella why she thought the press had treated her story with such virulence .
17 I asked Arthur then about the news .
18 I asked Gennaro how he came by the letter and he merely said that he knew the right people to approach .
19 I asked Colin anyway
20 I a lot , cos I remember erm when Claire was I got a really formal invitation to something and I asked Claire how you were supposed to reply and she told me the exact wording of how you should reply and I just looked at her I looked at her and I said I 'm not bloody writing that .
21 I asked Toby why he thought John had reacted as violently as he had to the whole business of our falling in love .
22 I asked John how he planned to do this shot and he said , ‘ Simple .
23 I asked Rooney how he set about completing a picture .
24 I asked Blamey how he set about painting a portrait .
25 In and that 's coming in on Friday and I asked Jackie yesterday whether she could come in and talk to you , she was trying to Monday .
26 I asked Barry why he felt it important to mention his long-term unemployment in this article about leisure .
27 I asked Debbie yesterday .
28 I asked Liz specifically to put on the list this one that I try trying to do with E Os , the group work one
29 I asked Darnley angrily .
30 Well I asked Richard about and he said , No problem .
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