Example sentences of "[pron] bring [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mum 's eyes popped to see me bringing home the fireman .
2 He , good man that he is , instantly returns to verse and to his better self : ‘ Had I brought hither a corrupted mind , /Thy speech had altered it ’ ( 104ff . ) .
3 I brought only the most attractive brochures , ’ Adam said .
4 Last week ( June 1993 ) I brought home a letter from my daughter .
5 A couple of recent collections which bring together a range of articles on a variety of topics are 'Femininity' , ‘ Masculinity ’ and ‘ Androgyny ’ : A Modern Philosophical Analysis , edited by Mary Vetterling-Braggin ( 1982b ) and the special issue of Radical Philosophy ( 1983 ) on ‘ Women , Gender and Philosophy ’ .
6 The successes of the 1980s were based on close links with individual Passenger Transport Executives which bring together the local authorities of seven major conurbations .
7 At the same time , a third tier has been added to the R&T structure through the concept of skill centres which bring together the interests of more than one primary group working in the same field — that at Runcorn serving the acrylics and resins businesses is an example .
8 One such grouping was led by Harry West and the West Ulster Unionist Council , which brought together the conservatives west of the Bann .
9 Among the mandarins , at Permanent Secretary level , Sir John Maud ( who succeeded Fergusson in 1952 ) was to outlast Citrine , and his smoothing magisterial presence was an important influence in questions such as board appointments ( reserved for the Minister 's private office ) and fuel industry coordination ( which brought together the various Ministry divisions ‘ sponsoring ’ each energy industry ) .
10 In the carnage and suffering of the trenches his strongly sacramental Christianity was communicated in memorable addresses and in colloquial verse of sometimes powerful simplicity , which brought together the passion of Christ and the doubt , fear , and courage of soldiers caught in the squalid stalemate of the Flanders trenches .
11 The meeting , which brought together the heads of state and governments of 11 countries , focused on the committee 's long-term redress and recovery plan .
12 However , CODESA II , which brought together the government , ANC and 17 other organizations , ended in deadlock and delegates failed to adopt any of the reports of the five working parties which had been established at the first CODESA session in December 1991 [ see pp. 38662-63 ; 38705 ] .
13 She heard her father exclaim , " My soul to the Devil , she will not ! " which brought forth a gabble of Portuguese from the visitors that was too fast for Sara to understand but which turned Maria Candida as white as a sheet .
14 In her admittedly bland , yet rather touching view of the Queen Mother , Alison Watt included her trademark , a lone tea-cup , which brought forth the scorn of critics like Brian Sewell , who called it ‘ a hideous jumble ’ , making the Queen Mother look like ‘ an ancient pensioner waiting for her 100th birthday telegram from the Queen ’ .
15 All of which brought home the final lesson I had to go back to school to learn .
16 A sending off for him too , which brought quite an outburst from manager , Glenn Hoddle .
17 Of particular importance among recent works is Janet Todd 's A Dictionary of British and American Women Writers 1660–1800 ( 1984 ) which brings forward an enormous amount of information about writers , some of whom have been entirely unregarded for more than two centuries .
18 A similar focus on the war 's effect in shattering class barriers is present in In Which We Serve ( 1942 ) , where the trigger to unity is a torpedoed destroyer rather than a crashed plane , The Gentle Sex ( 1943 ) , which follows a group of women as they are trained to become competent fighters , and Millions Like Us ( 1943 ) , which brings together a mixed group of girls in an aircraft engineering factory .
19 I 'm sure she will be pleased to learn about the formation of the Association for the Study of Caribbean and African Literature in French , which brings together a group of academics involved with the teaching of this literature at university level .
20 A recent step forward was the announcement in October 1990 of the formation of a broad-based teachers ' organization — the South African Democratic Teachers ' Union — which brings together a number of teachers ' unions previously separated on racial , geographical and political lines .
21 Nonesuch is , in publishing terms , a ‘ life style ’ magazine , a publication which brings together a wide range of articles of interest to a group of readers united by a common bond .
22 Led by Britain 's Advertising Association , which brings together the advertisers , the agencies and the media , the advertising lobby is gearing up to defend products which they reckon are most vulnerable :
23 The album covers their chart career from the debut ‘ Who Needs Love Like That ’ in 1985 through to this year 's Abba cover ‘ Take A Chance On Me ’ , and is accompanied by a video compilation ‘ Pop ! — 20 Hits ’ , which brings together the promos for the band 's biggest singles to date .
24 The latter , which brings together the twelve ambassadors accredited to the EC , is a crucial decision-making body .
25 The crescendo is an open-air concert which brings together the world 's most renowned tenors , Pavarotti , Domingo and Carreras .
26 And then we can go on and look at the passage , which brings together the words of the widow and Elisha and the actions of God .
27 Here again the format is given a new twist , displaying practical options rather than disconnected elements — whether in the Research Village , a showcase of current IT activity in Scottish academia , the Industrial Garden , which brings together the many of the development agencies under one roof to discuss business opportunities , or the Model Factory , a scaled-down version of an actual open-system-based manufacturing installation , from design function to milling machine , created by the National Engineering Laboratory .
28 Her latest film Romuald et Juliette is about the extraordinary goings-on in a yoghurt manufacturing company which brings together the white boss and the Black night-cleaner who saves his bacon .
29 I want to finish this chapter with a quotation which brings together the idea of loyalty to a particular tradition and openness to change .
30 This is the recommendation of an Independent Panel on Intractable Waste , which has submitted its report on the disposal of toxic waste to the Australia and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council , the body which brings together the environment ministers of the two countries ( including those of the Australian states ) .
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