Example sentences of "[pron] too have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 and despite my inbuilt irreverence for all sacred stones of all establishment temples , I too had grown up with an aura of awe for the British and all things British , and London was meant to encompass represent and symbolize the best of the best of it all .
2 The glass must have held nearly half a pint and I thought I too had had a splendid day out .
3 I looked around for this other speaker , this eminent historian who had been right in the middle of the action , this acute analyst who assembled with such thoroughness the material I too had worked on , who had packed it into enlightening and readable volumes .
4 I too had put money into the hat .
5 That I too have done my little bit for pollution ?
6 I too have lost fish — two Sailfin Mollies , three guppies and a Scissortail ( which committed suicide , unnoticed when I took the cover off the tank ) .
7 I too have grown lazy in expressing it , snuggling up to you
8 If I can be of any help … since we had our talk , I too have begun to have doubts .
9 ‘ Perhaps you believe that I too have ridden that carousel to excess ? ’
10 LIKE Nigel Starmer-Smith , in his comments in February 's edition of RW&P , I too have felt concern over the continual use of the up-and-under and , indeed , the kick generally .
11 Ever since I gave up my job and started waiting for the film to happen , I too have felt like a gap in between things .
12 I too have suggested that Christology should embrace a multiplicity .
13 Very well , I too have had such thoughts .
14 We we should discuss a bit about this document and I too have had the er dubious honour of reading John Major 's speech and it 's nice to see that both Tory speakers have actually managed to take half of it each and paraphrase it .
15 If I suspect that you too have noticed the banker fidgeting , I may fear that you too may be contemplating defection .
16 After a while he said slowly , ‘ I see that you too have noticed something strange about the picture .
17 I might suggest that you too have arrived , I have answered your roll call .
18 It is true that my mother was not in that state , but she too had lost the will to live ; and she too was denied the balm of curtailment .
19 Perhaps it was wrong to feel empathy with Ruth simply because she too had played truant .
20 She too had received an invitation , to a supper dance at Reece 's Grill Room on Christmas Eve .
21 So she too had observed Yeo 's imperial command of the partnership .
22 When the sun moved round she too had moved to the doorstep , her sleeves rolled up and concentrating half on the book and half on the remembered scene until her mother had arrived , walking up the street where they had both walked so many times before .
23 A campesina spoke up , saying she too had seen him hand over the knife .
24 Glancing round at Ursula , Charlotte realized she too had seen the figure .
25 She too had heard rumours , the telephones from shop to shop must have been red hot , and she looked at Rose with speculation .
26 It was a time of great personal sadness ; his first wife had died in 1927 ; he had married Katherine Harrower-Peters the following year , but she too had died a few months later in an influenza epidemic .
27 His grandmother had slumped into a heap but when Asik tried to lift her head he realised that she too had died .
28 And thence to Halifax where they had entered the town in their thousands , led by the women , Sairellen had been pleased to hear , walking four and five abreast , empty-handed and bare-headed as she had herself once walked to York , singing the psalm she too had sung on that day .
29 I thought she sounded rather as though she too had forgotten the essence of Lili , was now reminded and was regretting her invitation .
30 Taking a deep breath , Terry nodded , and as though she too had forgotten Ellie she walked slowly towards her brother and out through the door .
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