Example sentences of "[pron] find [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Economists were being involved in the process of economic decision making in a manner which had been unknown previously , and most of them found this admission to the counsels of the influential and powerful to be very congenial .
2 Joy told me to find some sort of a lining , and off they went .
3 We talked about the possibility of his death , we talked about the possibility of him being permanently brain damaged , we talked about the happiness they had enjoyed together and how important it had been to both of them to find each other .
4 If the mud flats freeze over , it is impossible for them to find sufficient food .
5 It 's too easy for them to find another kid . ’
6 Meanwhile at least one offspring of the NPA flourishes — the ‘ English Through Activity ’ programme in Swaziland , where I found similar activity and enthusiasm in schools , talked to a committed supervisor who saw her role entirely as getting her materials — including issues of English Ladybird books — to rural schools as efficiently as possible and of encouraging ‘ active learning ’ , ( but of what and why she took little heed ) .
7 I discovered that wellies were good for keeping feet wet when the water came above your waist — and I found alternative footwear !
8 ‘ If that was the case I found great difficulty in seeing how he could get permission from my local authority to license me , ’ he said .
9 I found one pound ten P in my pocket
10 I found one guy and talked to him for a while on tape .
11 Meanwhile I found other knitting groups right in ‘ my ’ province and took Arune with me to talk with the other women in it in the hope that they could answer the questions that I could n't .
12 Then I found first gear and stomped on the accelerator .
13 I well remember going as a new convert into a Baptist church for the first time : how strange I found that row of five deacons ' chairs which dominated the scene , and even stranger the little cups for communion .
14 In fact I have n't , I found that cat
15 I found that love went out the window when it was sweaty socks and handkerchiefs and dirty nappies and all this in front of me and I thought well this is not romance this is bloody hard work .
16 I found that part of me disgusting .
17 I found that board with half
18 In time , I found that key and discovered another world , a world full of mystery , beauty and the rare wealth of a dozen cultures bound together in an ancient empire .
19 At the early shows their basic set was augmented with frantic cover versions like Orange Juice 's ‘ Felicity ’ and The Gang Of Four 's ‘ I Found That Essence Rare ’ .
20 I found that research book .
21 As Windows sorts out the ( hardware ) men from the boys , there 's a large section of the book dedicated to exploiting your disc drives , keyboards , mice and pointing devices , modems , networks , printers and video boards and monitors and I found that section particularly impressive .
22 I found Swiss television really stupid , did you ?
23 Because I had not done much mathematics at school or at Oxford , I found general relativity very difficult at first and did not make much progress .
24 ‘ Did you have a good time ? ’ my mother asked Robert as I whispered to Lili that I found old age unclean and a disgrace .
25 ‘ I came by here once , with the wind wet and howling , and I found three Japanese huddled under the lip of the bunker . ’
26 well I found the , I found those hook and eyes for your picture
27 After being told it was within 0.1 accurate , I found another friend with a different and much more expensive pH meter .
28 That seemed pretty profound , till I found another cinema where it was all violence , sex-and-violence , and violence .
29 ‘ This afternoon , I found another body . ’
30 As it was , I mean I found another chocolate gateau under those Christmas tree cakes .
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