Example sentences of "[pron] way up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I made my way up to the lobby with those final two words of hers ringing around inside my head , and all sorts of other doctor phrases started to enter my mind — people calling me Doctor Streeter , popular songs with the word doctor in them — and then all of a sudden I started to cry .
2 The evening sky was darkening as I made my way up to Claro .
3 ‘ It was good quality stuff , good to work on and I gradually worked my way up to being one of the house engineers and it took off from there . ’
4 Because I 'm afraid of being the victim I 'll bubble my way up to being either the rescuer or the persecutor .
5 I 'm on my way up to town .
6 Been out in the field done all the erm and worked my way up to it you see .
7 We both know what an outrageously male chauvinist pig you are , Ross — but , in case you have n't guessed , I find it very insulting that you should insinuate that I have somehow slept my way up to my present position ! ’
8 She had teenagers , I am working my way up to them .
9 And anyway I can get them in the sale if I choose to fight my way up to London I can get a Liberty tie for about twelve pounds .
10 As I started to make my way up through some bushes on the left of the kirk , something caught my eye and I stopped .
11 There are distinct shades of Groucho Marx 's : ’ I have worked my way up from nothing to a state of extreme poverty ’ about the lot of most poor informals in Third World cities .
12 In the course of fifteen years I have slowly worked my way up from the people , together with this Movement .
13 I can find my way up in the dark , or fetch a candle from the kitchen cupboard for myself .
14 Jonas : ‘ Day after day the sirens would scream dismally , and already our Hurricanes would be wearily climbing their way up into the sun .
15 His wandering fingers were inside her , pushing their way up into her sticky quim .
16 When the Lawrence Girls arrived , John 's tended to be considerably older , having had to work their way up through their hierarchy before being allowed into the promised land of show business .
17 Clods of earth were tearing their way up through the humped grass .
18 In a month or so , when the camera crews have left South-Central Los Angeles and weeds begin to poke their way up through the tarmac in the burned-out lots , it will be easy enough to see who was just talking and who had a genuine plan .
19 In the past all airlines have relied heavily on self-improvers working their way up through the system .
20 This will enable the current coaches , now established as a so-called cluster , and their successors in the years to come , to identify and monitor the development of present and future Canada players as they work their way up through the system .
21 The acrid , choking fumes eventually found their way up through the ventilators on the top of the hill and the height of steam motive power over one hundred trains per day passed through Blea Moor Tunnel .
22 Stem growth originating from the root-stock below ground can be a problem because , by the time these shoots push their way up through the soil and show out , they are well advanced and reluctant to ‘ let go ’ — gloves are essential .
23 Both Margaret Thatcher and James Callaghan , for instance , had worked their way up through the structure of party ; they had spent a lifetime in politics and had served long periods of apprenticeship , first as backbenchers and then as junior ministers , ministers and shadow cabinet members .
24 Pushing their way up through the soil with force they pierced the fallen leaves .
25 Social service leaders worked their way up through the system .
26 Weeds and other flowers had forced their way up through the cracked paving of the floors .
27 on your argument then anybody who who works their way up through the ranks and gets to the top has got ta become corrupted !
28 They encountered fierce resistance as they fought their way up to Austria for two years .
29 They had got in through a cellar window at the back and made their way up to a small office on the third landing where , according to Cyril , the sole employee had been there man and boy until he became fossilized and had to be removed feet first from his station .
30 Like players , referees should have to work their way up to this level .
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