Example sentences of "[pron] may be that " in BNC.

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1 But a person going about it seriously has to discount his own personal opinion , which may be that all coloured people should — um — be expelled from the country , and decide what is in the best interests of the country as a whole , given that there is a large — er — ethnic problem .
2 There are two solutions — either one refuses to conduct policy-oriented research in order to preserve one 's academic purity or one undertakes the research and risks the consequences which may be that one is over-identified with those who commissioned the research or those investigated .
3 One may be that children do not have sufficient command of the skills of extracting information from a text .
4 Any doubt there may be that the family disease is a genuine addictive disease is dispelled when the divorced wife of a primary sufferer promptly marries another or when the parents of young sufferers find themselves depressed and lonely and wondering what to do with their time and experience once their own primary sufferer is in recovery .
5 ‘ The most obvious thing in mine may be that I like to work with numbers , but if I 've an urge to be an innovator too , I probably wo n't make a successful auditor .
6 For the reader , however , an art defined as national , made as cohesive and marketable as possible , may be less than convincing as an entity ; it may be that within a survey or an anthology there are just a limited number of interesting and attractive works .
7 It may be that neither statement need be held to subtract from the other , but there could well be some dispute as to which of the two is the more deeply entrenched in the novel .
8 Interpretation is allowed to copy what it finds , and to distort it , and it may be that the novel can be interpreted as an entertainment which conveys that doctrines of science and improvement ca n't encompass what happens in a frightening world , where motive is dark and ill-will ubiquitous .
9 And it may be that Justin , too , has more to say , from beyond the grave .
10 It may be that Larkin 's poem and the person we meet there participate in the ventriloquism of Amis 's novel .
11 Amis also likes to write , as Larkin liked to write , about the fear of death , and it may be that this fear can be detected in the failure to notice here that both sorts of people are subject to it , as to other unavoidable misfortunes , and that both sorts die .
12 It may be that he really thinks there is nothing that he really thinks .
13 I have in fact no explanation to offer as to how he came to die , and it may be that no trustworthy explanation will ever be achieved .
14 It may be that in the protestant — loyalist case this ethnic tendency may have priority over the British component of identity or be in conflict with it .
15 And while it may be that the tragic case of the disappearing baronet is one that appears to defy all logic , it is not a case that defies the world 's greatest detective .
16 It may be that I ca n't help , but … ’
17 It may be that you choose to obtain a mortgage , second mortgage or a loan from a bank .
18 For example , it can be argued the expansion into amalgamated police units has enlarged the organization to a point where it is no longer accessible to the man in the street ; alternatively , it may be that the use of a centralized computer and complex technical aids has alienated the public even at the same time they are increasingly fed a diet of violent news snippets which reinforce a fear of crime and generate another ‘ folk devil ’ of criminal menace , which demands the impossible : a policeman on every corner .
19 First , it may be that no one ( as yet ) has made the critical observations which would allow the pattern to become evident .
20 There is , however , a more fundamental reason why an attempt to perceive a structure within a given set of phenomena may fail ; it may be that there actually is no structure there to be perceived in the first place .
21 This may be coincidence , or it may be that the star system in French intellectual culture requires its major performers to be visibly on stage .
22 This situation is common in many academic areas , as I have discovered talking to colleagues , and it may be that this state of inflation and over-production is economically unavoidable , that many inferior books have to be published in order to let the good ones appear .
23 It may be that there is literally nothing they can say about it in the terms they are accustomed to using .
24 I 've found the increasing dogmatism and certainty that she 's right the most sinister thing about her because that so often goes with paranoid feelings , and it may be that this is one manifestation of that .
25 After hearing defence submissions that the £600,000 payout to Mrs Sutcliffe was ‘ perverse and excessive ’ , Lord Donaldson said : ‘ It may be that the general jury approach to newspaper libel at the moment is tempered by some indignation at the way some branches of the Press are run — coupled with the feeling that , if you can get £1m on the pools , why should n't you get £1m on the newspapers too ?
26 It may be that his gifts lay in the thrill and risk of live performance , losing their savour in aspic ; or , more likely , that his genius was always over-rated .
27 It may be that those involved in the sale of gilt options did not realise that they actually increased the risk to which the council was exposed rather than reducing it . ’
28 It may be that his gifts lay in the thrill and risk of live performance , losing their savour in aspic ; or , more likely , that his genius was always overrated .
29 Indeed , it may be that the collapse of the MI5/MI6 informer network in Germany and other European countries restored the IRA 's confidence in its ability to resume operations on the Continent from March 1987 , when it placed a car bomb at Rheindalen .
30 It may be that the IRA , fearing informers , had gone to such lengths to restrict the knowledge of where the ‘ active service unit ’ was that it was unable to warn them that their presence was compromised .
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