Example sentences of "[pron] may not be " in BNC.

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1 Social boundaries will reside in the actor 's conceptualisations of whom , in what degree , it is possible to approach , ask for advice , trust and whom may not be socially ‘ reached ’ .
2 If we are acting for a group of shareholders , some of whom may not be Corporate Finance Clients ( eg in the sale of shares in a family business where any of the shareholders have no active business interests ) , care must be exercised .
3 Moreover , muscles need different types of exercise ; exercise that contracts muscles but does not elongate them may not be adequate .
4 Every Home has its own way of doing things , and yours may not be run exactly along these lines .
5 ‘ I 'll call you tomorrow , ’ said Lucy , then she whispered , ‘ Only I may not be able to give you a date . ’
6 I may not be screwing Lucy , ’ said Jay coldly .
7 I may not be as much with my family as I should be , but at least I am at home , ’ he reasons .
8 I may not be a wizard with sphygmomanometer , ’ said Wexford derisively , ‘ but I 'm not daft .
9 This time , Eleanor Thorne decided , I must think , I may not be selfish .
10 Having said all of which , I have to admit that I may not be able to vote on Thursday .
11 I may not be able to be with her . ’
12 I may not be an intellectual but I 'm not a fool .
13 I may not be allowed to stay here , ’ the woman said .
14 I may not be a trained speaker , but I do have knowledge .
15 And by the way , I have an appointment in the city around eleven , so I may not be back to stand in for the dinner breaks .
16 I have a busy schedule for the next few days , so I may not be in touch .
17 I may not be able to stay long . ’
18 ‘ Mind you , I may not be the right person to be giving an opinion on this , because , as I said , I do n't think ‘ combo ’ anyway .
19 I may not be alone .
20 Benjamin 's modest but handsome little portrait seems to want to relay a message to us : I may not be blue-blooded , it says , but please do n't for a minute put me down as any kind of manual labourer — I belong to the established and rising ranks of the artisan middle-class .
21 Once up in her room , he said , ‘ I 'm afraid I may not be able to come again until next Friday .
22 Sub-text : ‘ I have to convey my message , which is more important than yours ( and I may not be listening to you ) . ’
23 Other sorts of things can constrain my actions too , of course ; I may not be able on my income to afford a Ferrari .
24 In his Chicago lectures , for example , he described how certain passages of Notes toward the Definition of Culture had been exposed as a " mass of contradictions " and , at the end , he also made a rueful disclaimer — " I am quite aware that I have been trying to persuade , although I may not be quite sure of what " .
25 I think , I may not be in perfect shape , but I ai n't gon na run away from you .
26 I may not be able to agree to this particular request .
27 I may not be of your persuasion but tonight I have been persuaded that the world is reaching a turning-point in its history and that the ancient biblical promise to your people is about to be redeemed .
28 I wish I may not be too fond and make him indifferent .
29 I I may not be away very often this summer .
30 I have begun to sense that , despite the touching and the ‘ precious boy ’ , I may not be headed for the Dark where the soft , fat spiders watch and wait .
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