Example sentences of "[pron] just [vb past] i " in BNC.

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1 I just assumed I could rent a plane and fly over .
2 Yeah I just assumed I thought oh hallo .
3 When she died , I just felt I had naewhere t'go .
4 I just felt I was doing the same old thing , week after week , month after month .
5 I just felt I ought to be doing something and so I stuck to it .
6 " I just felt I wanted to please God , " she explains .
7 I just felt I ought to get out and fill my lungs with some good clean exhaust fumes .
8 Soon after that I made arrangements to go to Australia ; I just felt I did n't want to be around when Mason and Jennifer got together .
9 I just felt I could n't be bothered
10 Yeah er attractive , anyway what was I saying , I was talking to her and she said that she 'd had a talk with Foxy and Foxy had said excuse me , and I just felt I just felt so paranoid because she was saying , talking about all the , how he 'd never been faithful to anyone and how , and I really did feel , would n't you feel awful if everyone was saying oh Sal , yeah , Sal , Sal 's making a real effort but but no she said
11 I did n't care for him — I just knew I had to find out if I could go through with it .
12 There was a bump and an awful squeal — I just knew I 'd run over the dog .
13 I was about fourteen and , I just knew I had to be a musician .
14 I just knew I was inspired when I proposed you for this job here , that it would come back to me in some incredible way .
15 I just knew I could trust you .
16 I just thought I 'd tell you , ’ he said , ‘ that 's all .
17 Erm , and then I just thought I 'd finally conclude a bright , cos I think it , it 's like how I see myself at work , erm with showing you where our work comes from erm and basically you 've got all these arrows coming in and er sometimes you do have a sense of feeling quite bombarded with requests for work , but the main , I mean the main formal source of our work is the local government sub committee , which is erm , like Mary was referring to earlier , every department or unit in our in the Council have to formally report and get it 's work through by a Council committee , our committee is the local government sub committee and it formally sets our work programme once a year , and I our priorities , it also comes up with other things it would like us to do by the way , during the course of the year , so erm , that includes Mary as well . .
18 I just thought I 'd phone and find out how you are .
19 ‘ Well , I just thought I 'd ring , ’ says his father .
20 I just thought I 'd offer , sweetie . ’
21 I just thought I would have heard something by now .
22 I just thought I 'd come up and speak to you about that .
23 Anyway , I just thought I 'd write to suggest that we meet up at some point ; I do enjoy trying to get to know some of my cousins , especially when they 're not hundreds of miles away .
24 It was sweet of you to go ; I just thought I better get something but once these attacks start it 's a bit too late to take anything really .
25 I just thought I 'd look in , since I was passing , to see if you were all right . ’
26 As there has been very little traffic today , I just thought I would comment on somebody 's statement that Leeds have possibly got the best squad in the premier league .
27 I 'm glad you said that , Chairman , I was I was just thinking erm , cut out the but , regarding on Equal Opportunities , erm , Policies , as we 've been discussing already , I would have thought housewives would have been delighted to have conservative hours rest presumably I just thought I was
28 And then they say , Well the guy he 's next door I do n't know him but I just thought I 'd put him on .
29 I ca n't say I 've ever worried about it , I just thought I 'd look at it when I got there .
30 Yeah just ab I just thought I 'd mention it just in case .
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