Example sentences of "[pron] come up the " in BNC.

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1 Now I came up the hard way , same as you .
2 It was dark and the sea was rising rapidly as I came up the firth , keeping the bows in the direction of the flashing lighthouse on the White Hill of Vatster .
3 and then and then I was going yeah I really want to take , I 'll have to take my stereo home and he goes yeah your stereo 's quite big is n't it , I went when have you seen my stereo and he goes oh I came up the other day to see if you were in .
4 Mrs Stych was singing as she came up the garden path .
5 If you coming up the yeah it 'll be coming from the top
6 ‘ Lucy saw you comin' up the yard with him . ’
7 Will you come up the bedroom ?
8 She come up the weekend but she did n't come over cos I was n't very well , and I 'd of .
9 Well she come up the other day , they wanted to exchange Kelly 's old house for , for , for her , somebody wants it er part exchange Kelly 's house , you know then go and
10 I had you come up the back way "
11 ‘ As we came up the trackway of your house , Sir John , we found a Hand of Glory with a lighted candle in its fingers . ’
12 Danish invaders found their way to Lough Neagh between AD 849 and AD 1014 but whether they came up the Bann is uncertain .
13 He turned as they came up the spiral wrought-iron staircase .
14 " They came up the streets towards the station , crowds of people , young men .
15 There were five of them , and whenever they arrived they came up the woodland track on a big spreader wagon with a battered old van bouncing along behind .
16 His mother was a little surprised to see him coming up the garden path crying his eyes out just half an hour later .
17 Yes if erm two girls were in a toilet you were fined and they used to stop the money , oh yes two girls were fined it was a very strict there it was er quite as strict there as it was a H & T Hornes and erm you , you but you could have a drink there , but er at one time before they allowed a drink , a cup of tea , the men used to , someone to watch to see if , when we were working in the top shop cos we could see if anyone came up the , up the shop into , from the bottom shop into top shop then they put a can on erm on something to boil you see and er oh and we got a little sto coal stove to heat the shop , no central heating pipes or anything like that , and they put er someone you could see anyone coming up the , up the steps and er anyway there was someone , one of the bosses coming up so they erm whipped the can off , ran round the back of the bench wh where there were a lot of hand presses going and Mr walked straight he was only mad that off the can of boiling water
18 He came up the week before on his own but he played two rounds every day .
19 He came up the garden shouting something — they did not properly hear him .
20 I told him that when he came up the ramp he must accelerate on the throttle at speed so that he got the front wheel up in the air , so he would n't nosedive and hurt himself .
21 He turned quickly and saw it coming up the slope behind him .
22 The following morning a person who was out with his gun , in expectation of falling in with some sort of wild fowl , perceiving an appearance rather uncommon , ventured to approach the spot ; upon his coming up the dog got off the body , and after repeatedly shaking himself to get disentangled from the accumulated snow , encouraged the sportsman ( a Mr. Finch ) , by actions of the most significant nature , to come near the side of his master .
23 He come up the hospital , I was up in intensive care unit and me dad came round about half past ten at night and in he walked , he came straight down from Filey to see him , cos he used to think a lot of dad you see and dad did him years ago , he used to say he was more of a son than me own but then he brought her to the funeral , they would n't speak to me , would n't entertain me at all , I nearly fainted when I saw little one , she 's tall and thin
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