Example sentences of "[pron] think [ex0] should " in BNC.

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1 I think there will I think there should be there may well be one , there usually is with the .
2 My Lords , er the principle of co-option has been described as by a number of Your Lordships as an extension of principal of democracy , but I call on my experience not as er of a year as er Minister for the Police under my Noble Friend Lord Whitelaw , but my three years as Minister for the Prison Service er and er in that er service , there was erm in each prison a Board of Prison Visitors and I observed during that time that the membership of the prison population was becoming increasingly black , but that the membership of the er Boards of Prison Governors was remaining stubbornly white and I er put it , I made it then that I thought there should be something to redress this balance er the system is as it were a supervised co-option , the local er Board makes a proposal and the Minister approves or does n't , but also I had to refuse five successive of proposed co-options of white members to an all-white prison board for a prison which was predominantly black in population because it was alleged there were no suitable black people available .
3 and I bought three and I thought there should be five cos I did n't have a fire on Sunday at all and twice this week I have n't lit it till fi you know them four buckets
4 I think there should be a more stringent system of entry into the drama schools so that there is a higher standard of work achieved by the time they come to join the profession .
5 I think there should be more of them . ’
6 ALTHOUGH I agree that many industries are run better by private enterprise than by the state , I think there should only be one bank .
7 I think there should be focal points .
8 erm that can sometimes help certainly , yeah , but er as I say er I think there should be it should yield a , a fair amount of data for you and , and you know with a bit of , are you a stat view or S P S S person or any strong
9 Tarby declared : ‘ I think there should be a show like that for young talent . ’
10 Tarby declared : ‘ I think there should be a show like that for young talent . ’
11 Tarby declared : ‘ I think there should be a show like that for young talent . ’
12 I think there should be a limit do n't you ?
13 You have shown four , inverted commas , delivery Aiden Mouth close inverted commas one hundred , sorry , one thousand , one hundred and ninety two kilos , stop , I think there should be fourteen ninety two kilos , please confirm I am correct as soon as possible , otherwise I agree with all your other figures in this memo , best regards , Sam
14 and goes oh I think there should be a manor just up here
15 Now if a parent can have introduced the child via nursery school to that amount of other children , then I think there should be very little trauma , but that is n't to say that as the child gets older they do n't have to do things .
16 Now if a parent can have introduced the child via nursery school to that amount of other children , then I think there should be very little trauma , but that is n't to say that as the child gets older they do n't have to do things .
17 I think there should be a centre where the parents of dyslexic children could get together .
18 I think there should be , yes .
19 I think there should be as much coverage , but I think there should be a break between it all .
20 I think there should be as much coverage , but I think there should be a break between it all .
21 I think there should be a public enquiry and everybody should be able to be represented and put their own views .
22 To begin with , I think there should be training to erm governors , for example , to train them how to how they should be able to select the right person for the right job and try and try and get rid of this stereotype image .
23 do you think there should be ?
24 Now Judge as you you said you know er and erm Sir Frederick I know you 're retired now , he 's seventy one do you think there should be a mandatory retirement age for judges perhaps .
25 Do you think there should be as many women as men as magistrates ?
26 Attitudes to private schools are summarised in Figure 11.20 , which shows the percentages of people in Great Britain ( in 1987 ) who thought there should be more , fewer , none , or about the same number as then .
27 You think there should be more balance ?
28 You think it 's too much but you think there should be coverage nonetheless ?
29 Town centres er we think there should be growth of two hundred thousand , it 's not enough .
30 They could feel angry , embarrassed and even guilty because of the comments of over-anxious parents who keep hinting about their longing for grandchildren , or make it clear that they think there should be no more .
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