Example sentences of "[pron] hand [vb past] her " in BNC.

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1 Her hand touched her breast to stem the physical pain there .
2 She propped her elbow on the table and resting her chin on her hand gave her full attention to Stella .
3 Her hands covered her mouth as if trying to hold the screams in .
4 Her hands covered her face .
5 His hands touched her face .
6 His hands cupped her face as he moved over her sensuously and Maggie moved beneath him , her breath a wild gasping sound that brought more pressure from the sleek , demanding body .
7 His hands cupped her face .
8 Her blood sang in her veins as his hands discovered her shapeliness , sought out the heavy fullness of her breast .
9 His hands brushed her breasts , already ripe beneath her blouse , sending shafts of electricity darting through her .
10 In that instant it came to Ruth that he did know her ; but before she could be sure his hands left her shoulders and he went leaping round the side of the hummock , his long coat flapping , straight towards the spear men .
11 Then his hands left her waist and burrowed under her jumper .
12 His hands left her shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief , and his gaze locked with hers as if he could read her soul in its depth .
13 His hands left her shoulders .
14 His hands left her shoulders abruptly , his expression becoming suddenly shocked at the realisation of his actions .
15 His hands left her hair , moved swiftly down her spine , cupping her rear suddenly and pressing her tighter against his hard body , a harsh groan coming from the back of his throat as one strong hand swept suddenly to her breast , and as he touched and stroked her there she gave a fierce moan of excitement , whispering incoherent words against his mouth in blind , overpowering , dazed response .
16 She said his name helplessly and he impelled her towards him , capturing her mouth with his , kissing her hungrily and intimately , and she moved urgently against him as his hands explored her body .
17 Now , his hands stroked her neck , fell to her breast and followed the small tight curve there .
18 His hands stroked her body in sensual caresses , arousing her unfairly , and she desperately wanted to lean into his vital , masculine strength and inhale the fresh scent of his skin and feel its smooth perfection .
19 His hands clamped her arms .
20 It was like swimming in warm darkness , only her slender arms around his neck holding her upright as his hands caressed her body and moulded her against him .
21 His hands held her face tightly and she met his gaze at last , her lip caught between her teeth .
22 His hands held her slender arms in a grip that hurt , and his mouth was only inches away from her own .
23 His hands found her flawless cheeks .
24 He glared down at her for eternal seconds and then his mouth descended and Robyn felt the anger and fire , still there , but focused this time in the searing heat of his kiss , the grip of his embrace , the rough glory as his hands roamed her body , conjuring desire and need out of nowhere , moulding her to him , showing Robyn just how much she wanted him , how much he desired her .
25 . ’ Her words were cut off when his mouth covered hers , but when she clawed at him , one of his hands caught her wrists and held them and in a voice such as he had never used before , a deep moaning voice , he said , ‘ It 'll be all right .
26 Too late Paige tried to avoid him , but all she managed to do was be off balance as his hands caught her shoulders , and with a muffled yelp she toppled backwards .
27 Then his hands grasped her shoulders .
28 She closed her eyes , enjoying the sensations flooding her as his hands parted her legs , and his breathing became as erratic as hers .
29 Hearing his feverish mutter of gratification as his hands parted her robe and found her flesh unconfined beneath it , save for a little pair of loose silky pants , she accepted a power almost equal to his over her .
30 For a long moment he held her tightly against him as if he was afraid she might try to elude him , then when he seemed sure of her his hands encircled her waist , moulded her hips and moved upwards , unbuttoning her shirt , pulling it from the waistband of her jeans , then slipping it from her shoulders until it fell to the floor .
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