Example sentences of "[pron] house when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I took these definitions from the dictionaries I happened to have in my house when I was writing this .
2 and then come to my house when you
3 They were philhellenes , fined young people who were too fat , and did not abandon their houses when they were invaded by water ( Strabo 4.4.6 , 7.2.1 ) .
4 She blamed herself for the way Tina was , though she did not know what she had done wrong , and she blamed herself for not trying harder to keep Tina in her house when she wanted to go off to Jarvis Stringer 's .
5 A neighbour heard his screams but was driven back into her house when she tried to intervene .
6 David Scanlon , 19 , dashed from his house when he heard a huge bang and found Tristran Harris , 18 , at the foot of the pylon .
7 In 1588 , several inhabitants of Shrewsbury were imprisoned after physically resisting the attempts of the magistrates to pull down a maypole , and the following year the Mayor of Canterbury was confronted with a protest morris dance outside his house when he forbade maypole dancing in the town .
8 Mr Travers , a plasterer , who had lost his house when he had been made bankrupt , opened the window slowly .
9 ‘ Well , here you are now , which is the main thing , ’ said Rupert a little awkwardly , yet determined not to apologise for the remoteness of his house when he remembered the hours he had spent waiting in the rush hour for a Green Line bus to their house at Warlingham or Woldingham or some such rustic name .
10 I went up to his house when he had it .
11 Not many houses in I must have passed his house when I was up there .
12 Our house when we were wee
13 Some c- had nicked the bit of corrugated plastic off the top of our house when we got home .
14 There was erm what I thought was a , a white Rolls parked outside our house when I was putting the washing on the line just after you went to work .
15 I mean , I used to hate it with like having flipping anyone come up to our house when I was little !
16 the same as our house when you open the door here
17 ‘ Like a 32-year-old , ’ adds Derry , ‘ one of your mum 's old mates who always used to come round your house when you were young and you always fancied her and she starts coming on to you later — ‘ Oh year !
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