Example sentences of "[pron] feel [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 Regardless of how I feel about it now , this period was one of the happiest times of my life .
2 The captain said , ‘ What do you think I feel about it ?
3 That 's the way I feel about it . ’
4 I , I do n't , I 'm not an expert for poet , I , I , I feel about it , perhaps did n't
5 ‘ How can I tell them how I feel about it ? ’
6 Now it was there that we became separated , I developed a very bad throat and could not fly , just before we were ready to leave for overseas as in his crew and the other crews that were there went on whereas I got held back and of course the way I feel about it is that that week that I got held back , saved my life .
7 ‘ That 's exactly how I feel about it , ’ Sabine said , giving Rohan a defiant glance .
8 Kathleen , absolute brick to the end , has let me keep my season ticket for London so I 've still been able to pop down there during the day when I feel like it — and the rail staff at Colchester have been quite happy to let me have a break in my journey .
9 I feel like it . ’
10 I bathe whenever I feel like it , drink iced wine on my verandah in the evening , and lead a dolce far niente existence .
11 I can decide to call myself Mary or Kate or Abigail if I feel like it , I said to myself as I sauntered along ( and up , and down , and round and round ) the sunny streets of Bristol .
12 ‘ When I feel like it , ’ he retorted .
13 I feel like it , ’ Laidlaw retorted , climbing onto one of the bar stools .
14 But with Son being here , talking about it once in a while when she gets a bit down , and do n't we all — well , I feel like it all happened last week , and what 's more as if I was in the middle of it .
15 It 's not just me any more , me doing what I want to do when I feel like it .
16 And if I feel like it , I wo n't just screw up your life with that stupid , lame bitch , I 'll make her part of the deal .
17 ‘ I 'll eat and drink when I feel like it !
18 The lounge has a large bay window with a beautiful view of the village and I can sit there and watch the world go by , if I feel like it .
19 I think I feel like it myself in fact .
20 So if for any reason I feel like adding on some points I will do , and equally I 'll decide to take some points off if I feel like it .
21 no , I do n't think so , well I think if I feel like it , after I 've done me cooker hood , I might do a bit of baking
22 Well , it 's , it 's simple that if I got up at half past six , and took him up a cup of tea at quarter too seven , and when he was around at seven o'clock , I was grilling bacon and I was frying eggs , and I hope , I do n't know whether perhaps it 's my cold , but , I , I just used to feel terribly unwell after he 'd gone , for about two hours and my legs were so wobbly , I was sitting down on the sofa , I may go back yet to cooking him breakfast if I feel like it , but , the , I mean if I can say to these chaps that , there are times when I do n't feel like doing things , well , I reckon Dave that they are so glad to be in that house with the central heating , with the twenty four hour er , er a day water , and the comfort , there not going to argue .
23 I feel like giving him away but I do n't know whether I would , but I feel like it .
24 mm that 's put the skis on the , put the holders on , could do with trying out those , I do n't know if I feel like it tonight , but er trying out those chains
25 Erm once a week sometimes that depends when I feel like it .
26 I wrote to everybody going , in fact ev all over the world I should think all , everybody in this country because that is how I felt about it .
27 That 's how I felt about it .
28 I would go home for weekends , if I felt like it , and during the holidays .
29 ‘ I preferred the days when we were smaller and I could work when I felt like it .
30 The hostess rang and asked tactfully and hesitantly if I felt like it .
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