Example sentences of "[pron] might [vb infin] they " in BNC.

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1 So , if I asked you to describe paper to someone who had never seen it before , you might suggest they visualise it as a sort of hard , smooth ‘ cloth ’ .
2 Looking quickly at paintings such as Pounding Foam or A Winter Sea , you might think they were expressionist works by Jackson Pollock or Willem de Kooning .
3 You might think they would all be terrified of having their family and acquaintances find out .
4 Xerox ( the ‘ X ’ in Xsoft ) was the company responsible for the world 's first GUI ( it says here ) , so you might think they know a thing or two about how to dress up Windows …
5 Put like that and you might think they had it coming .
6 National Scenic Areas ( NSAs ) are designated in recognition of exceptional value to the country , and you might expect they would afford protection from damaging commercial developments .
7 You might say they are two levels of the same thing , like the high and low churches of Christianity . ’
8 Charitably , you might say they represent the struggle of a generation to come to terms with a responsibility and authority they would once have rejected .
9 Uncharitably , you might say they were middle-class people who have long since sold out and ceased to do anything about changing the world short of creating more personal angst for themselves .
10 " You might say they are Indian beads , " the girl said .
11 You might find they 're with the scrap .
12 Both tortoises and armadillos are animals that carry around their own suit of armour , and at first glance we might think they were related .
13 I think you know , Lincolnshire has done a dam good job for the people in Lincolnshire whether it in roads , whether it be old peoples homes , or whether it be in schools , whether it be in fire stations , police stations , I admit to where one could say across the board , they could compare , that they could compare , they might compare they might live in one area and work in another .
14 They might think they can do so by managing it better , by motivating the managers better , by putting the firm together with something else , or in other ways .
15 The malais might have put the torch to the field , they might think they 've exterminated all the creatures in it , but there 'll always be one woodchuck left .
16 They might think they 're getting away with it , a lot of people who , who , I mean being unemployed is n't , you tend , people tend to feel devalued and so if they can think oh , they 've put one over on that , on the er , benefit office , then they 'll go and brag down the pub about it .
17 Or they might decide they want to learn how to read , that they want information about birth control , or advice about getting rid of a caique ( local boss ) .
18 The wife of rock knight Bob Geldof added : ‘ It 's not worth it , and they might find they get enormous satisfaction staying at home . ’
19 I do n't think they 'll say it , but they might find they are
20 What might have they have had to measure the time as it passed ?
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