Example sentences of "[pron] think [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Right , can we leave that one then , the other one that I , I thought about is probably an oil disaster , here we have an oil tanker , what was that one off the , the north of America , do you remember where it was ?
2 In nineteen eighty three from nineteen fifty three after thirty years of making cheese , they changed his job , I think many of you are ahead of me already , he said I was given a job change and I began working in landscaping , how nice while being interviewed some time ago I was asked what I thought about being giving a job change after thirty years of making cheese and he said well it did n't bother me , I noted , frankly because I did n't like making cheese anyway
3 I do n't know what he thought about , but what I thought about was how in God 's name we were going to be able to face each other in the morning .
4 A few ideas I thought of are :
5 I thought of being in bed with him .
6 Yeah , I thought of being that once but I would n't mind it in the wards , but I would n't want to be in the operating theatre , I do n't know why , the blood do n't put me off or anything , but
7 You know , I thought of being that once but I would n't mind it in the wards , but I would n't wan na be in the operating theatre .
8 In the summer of 1991 , I had another mink film to make — this time for Wildlife on One — and the first place I thought of was the logjam on the River Usk .
9 The first thing I thought of was that we 'd offended them in some way we did n't know — done a terrible insult to their gods or something .
10 ‘ Despite what I thought to be a clear understanding on the part of their coaching staff , the Republic 's squad that played against us in the St Patrick 's Day match in Enniskillen , was too old and too experienced .
11 The other thing I think about is G.P.
12 All I think about is you .
13 Erm th the , the thing I think about is do you remember the Green Cross Code ?
14 I know I 'm being pessimistic but all I think about is that depressing drive home !
15 The only things I think about are calorie-counting and weighing myself , and making sure that I do n't put on the weight I 've lost , and passing my O levels .
16 I 'll go and stand in the corner I think for being naughty .
17 Okay Chair , that 's just a note that it er , it 's a matter we 've raised with this Committee on several occasions in the past , and getting close I think to being able to present some detailed figures as to the likely costs in future , of firemen 's pension sch scheme to Shropshire County Council .
18 I 'd have to , I 'd have to erm I 'd have to raise it er and I think to be quite honest the er I mean fortunately as I said earlier on Mr chairman there is a Regional Liaison Group meeting on , on Monday er and I have a captive audience of three budget holders , Doug Gill and Phil , erm and raise this with them .
19 I was bewitched by her , I think to be freer than became me , though I had no intention to carry the jest further .
20 But if I remember correctly on one of the progr on television going back sort of two three months ago , one of the firms , and I think it was an electrical firm , was working a bit of a swift one erm they were getting people to sign a document which purported I think to be erm l l loaning money , hire agreement .
21 I enclose wax impressions and a rubbing of what I think to be a coin .
22 It , I think I had a good life there and I 've got no regrets I think to be public transport is , is a good thing .
23 I think to be quite honest , if they 're not interested enough to try to get to classes
24 The whole place has got an air of being run down , and county council , I think to be honest , would quite like it to fall down , or just to be able to develop the whole site .
25 I think to be honest Whyte and Fairclough were never that good — even in the championship year .
26 Well can we get this sor stuff sorted then , because this is gon na go on forever , because I I think to be quite honest it is a lack of communication between two parties
27 You will have read what I think to be a very reasoned and properly enthusiastic tribute to Alan by Peter his predecessor in the Chair , in this number of N C V O News , which incidentally I think is er , er , er , a considerable step forward from the various er , experiments , and the like that we have er , conducted over the years .
28 I think to be honest to you , the the have been given very little guidance , she does n't understand what 's supposed to happen
29 Well the honourable gentleman as always makes er more than a debating point , I think he makes a serious point which er deserves to be answered , erm it is not , if I can put it this way , the intention of these orders er to turn auditors into er snoopers or narks er and to do so I think runs some very serious risks , not only of reducing and undermining the relationship between auditors and their clients , not only of imposing very substantial additional cost burdens on auditors which will have to be borne by companies and ultimately their clients , but also there has an example he 's given I think to be some difference , put it no more than that between public money and private money , even though I acknowledge that were talking here about the trusteeship in some cases of of er d er public deposits and funds .
30 Er Ministers are often in a very grave difficulty these days , if they do n't listen er er they 're accused o o of being autocratic , i i if they do listen , er then they 're accused of making u-turns , well even the gathering swine did n't have to make a u-turn , a change of direction would have been quite sufficient and I welcome the change of direction which the Home Secretary ha has made erm the objectives of this Bill are I think to be commended , but it is be perfectly clear from the outset that you ca n't combat crime by antagonising everyone concerned with the enforcement of law and order , the police authorities , the police and the magistrates .
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