Example sentences of "[pron] could [be] that " in BNC.

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1 She could be that ; even later on .
2 Sometimes they were a little lifeless , not with lethargy or simple weariness ( they could be that , but then his whole body-language ‘ drooped ’ accordingly ) , but with a specific withdrawn quality which , when taken with a certain passivity of the face , can be hard and unyielding : betokening a concern — even a resentment — in being examined in that particular way .
3 It could be that Navigation Mixte is teaming up to buy Paribas or that friendly defenders of Paribas such as Axa-Midi are strengthening their holdings .
4 It could be that sound transmission from the eardrum along the auditory ossicles to the inner ear would be impaired by worms in the middle ear .
5 Last night , Llanelli coach Gareth Jenkins , who is also a Welsh selector , admitted : ‘ It could be that Emyr will not go to Lanzorote .
6 It could be that , with so much self-parody and saltiness riddling their core genre , ‘ Naive ’ presents their seeds for the future , displaying some key maverick black hearts leading noise into different pastures .
7 He wondered what it could be that was so urgent , and why he had n't mentioned it yesterday over lunch .
8 It could be that adult literacy is an important programme undertaken in the adult education budget .
9 It could be that effectiveness could be obtained more efficiently .
10 The fact that D'Oyly 's aristocratic informant said that the washermen should be paid for their service with money ( ridi ) may simply reflect the greater social distance which separated the aristocrats from the Hena , or it could be that , at that date , the distinction between commercial and non-commercial economic transactions had not yet become so clear-cut as it is today .
11 ‘ I suppose it could be that , though he is n't usually .
12 It could be that with the wider use of electronic mail which we anticipate in future , the need for multiple copies of Notices will be reduced .
13 However , it could be that , in some transactions , where economic loss is suffered because of a breach caused by wilful default ( or perhaps even inadvertent default ) , such clauses would not be regarded as reasonable where a consumer suffered economic loss .
14 Mhm it could be that
15 So that 's going to be very useful and you will get information about all these firms it could be that member has already been advised and he 's willing .
16 terminal five does n't exist , it could be , that could be the case , research has to be done to see what er , yeah it could be that air , air line capacity and air line will drop as a result of er forward thinking rail scheme and there is evidence from the Rhone to Seine Rider Scheme that 's been undertaken by the French , German and Swiss governments of the a drop in demand for internal flights in those areas and because of the German equipment everything is there .
17 I know it could be something to do with regime er banks of course are supervised by the Bank of England at the moment and er the financial services er regime is supervised by the S I B and it could be that is the reason why it is not explicitly stated er that the accountant has to be acting in his capacity as erm as auditor .
18 ‘ I suppose it could be that . ’
19 But then again it could be that .
20 yeah it could be that
21 Well you can please yourself , it could be that or pine or whatever ca n't it ?
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