Example sentences of "[pron] could see you " in BNC.

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1 If only I could see you – just once ? all our drams , Vincent , where are they ?
2 ‘ It 's a damn good job you do n't , laddie , or I could see you being hauled up before the old man . ’
3 I mean … well , I mean , I 'm not sorry to leave the school , leave here , but I 'm sorry to leave you , and I wish I could see you again .
4 So you were — but as soon as they put you in my arms I could see you were no use to me ! ’
5 I could see you getting ready to lie , and then you just could n't .
6 I was still carrying the child , but now I could see you riding away into the distance .
7 I really wish I could see you .
8 For example , it would make me very happy if I could see you every night across my dinner table ; if when I woke in the morning , I would hear you wish me ‘ Bonjour , chéri ! ’ in that so charming accent of yours .
9 ‘ I have been most restrained — I could see you had your hands full .
10 You did n't know that I could see you , did you ?
11 It 's right , it 's correct it is minus twelve but I could see you were really not very sure what you should be doing about that , that 's great , you 've found , you 've got that down to there , let's have a little look at the number line , zero , one , two , three and so on , minus one , minus two , minus three , minus four .
12 I could see you needed some time by yourself .
13 I could see you were a cultured person , ’ Kring went on .
14 I wish I could see you for myself all the same . ’
15 I could see you were prickling from head to foot with some kind of emotion towards me .
16 I could see you grappling with it on a daily basis , ’ he drawled softly .
17 I could see you through the keyhole .
18 I know I could see you writing them anyway .
19 yes , that 's the money supply and measures , the measures of money supply I 'm sure you 'll be okay you should beat what I got anyway , cos I saw it sort of cold I could see you were put into shits of boredom , they go totally over the top most of the time my parents
20 just that I tried the phone room , I 'll take you down there and , I could see you from up here and I said he 's around .
21 It meant that she could see you every day , work closely with you , even travel abroad with you . ’
22 That way they could see you are treating them equally even though your daughter 's children are less bother .
23 ‘ Mr Miller 'd skin me alive if he could see you now , ’ she said in a pitiful voice .
24 He 'd laugh if he could see you . ’
25 Even though he knew there was somebody else , Russell gave up his claim to anything so that he could see you , have you to stay with him , keep his daughter , and Imogen graciously agreed . ’
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