Example sentences of "[pron] know [conj] no " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 I know that no harm was intended and it may be that no harm was done .
2 I ca n't remember them all now , but I know that no speaking was allowed in the class-rooms , corridors or on the stairs ; no running anywhere indoors ; no borrowing of any kind ; all long hair had to be plaited ; indoor shoes were never to be worn outside , nor outdoor shoes inside , and there were specific shoes for games , gym , hockey and so on ; school uniform was strictly enforced , and hats compulsory .
3 I know that no harm will come to me — and so would you if you could only see him .
4 A coalition was formed in June 1757 in which Pitt ran the war , and justified his claim ‘ I know that I can save this country , and I know that no other man can ’ , while the Duke of Newcastle made sure that the majority in the House of Commons realized that their business was to vote money for Pitt 's military operations without too much fuss .
5 I do nt give a fuck if a goal is disallowed that was offside if I know 1 ) That it was offside really and 2 ) I know that no other side will be allowed an offside goal .
6 We have a number of technicians in the environmental health department who do some sterling work , and I know that no one here would want you to suppose that they are a kind of second-string person .
7 ‘ You 'll know what she wants you to know and no more .
8 as many , and they 're lots of fun , but , you know and no doubt aunty will get fascinated by
9 She had to perform for them with the spotlight on her and she knew that no trick would be good enough .
10 But she knew that no amount of speed would save her .
11 But she knew that no man was going to suggest that , not to her .
12 She had never known what love and tenderness were until she met her Aunty Lizzie , and she knew that no one in the world would ever love her like that woman did ; nor would she love anyone else .
13 Several plain-clothes detectives went further and telephoned a commentator on commercially-owned Ulster Television and asked to be quoted as anonymous detectives in the police division responsible for Rathcoole I who knew that no evidence whatsoever existed against the men arrested .
14 You knew that no one around here was going to help us .
15 We know that no other vehicle was involved . ’
16 But they know that no amount of wishing , no number of ‘ if onlys ’ will bring Johanna back .
17 But I mean , we we 've got a situation where we are , I mean , our estate 's quiet , very quiet and and , you know , you get the impression that , you know , they can do it without fear or favour , you know , th they know that no one 's going to disturb them it 's very quiet there
18 The living room ceiling was hung with bunting , the kitchen smelt of roast turkey , the house was full of people who all knew each other intimately , the videos had been ordered and the sideboard was laden with drink and in fact everyone behaved just like it was a real family Christmas , except that Boy had sex with two other men in the bathroom , and they did n't even bother to lock the door because they knew that no one else there would mind , knew that they did n't have to hide what they were doing from the rest of the party .
19 He would have said that he was as courageous as most , but he knew that no one ever escaped from the workshops .
20 If only he knew that no man could give her what he had — thirteen frantic days of excitement and sensuality that would be with her for the rest of her life .
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