Example sentences of "[pron] know [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 book , letting me know how much it is .
2 Dear Boy , It must be very difficult for you sometimes I expect not having anyone and having to do all the shopping and cooking for yourself I know that when I was working I certainly could not have managed on my own , coming home tired and then making dinner your own dinner and then going upstairs to do some more work , what sort of life is that , though I know all about that because of course I did do that for three years almost , and I know how much happier I was when I knew there was someone waiting for me and having the dinner ready and keeping the house clean and all those things , or perhaps you people do n't think those things are important .
3 Vale boss John Rudge said : ‘ We had a bit of luck when that shot from Regis stuck in the mud but I 'm overjoyed for our fans because I know how much it means to beat Stoke . ’
4 I know how much we have already put in up to the end of 1992 and I know what we could be asked for for 1993 , ’ Longuet said , but the size of the sums is to embarrassing for him to reveal them — but he did say they were incompatible with what the European Commission would allow and what French taxpayers wanted .
5 I know how much my godmother was worth .
6 I know how much all this means to you , finding Elaine .
7 Because I know how much it hurts you not to have children . ’
8 ‘ That 's why I cried a bit when I scored , because I knew how much it meant to them .
9 ‘ When Orrin told us that you were missing , ’ he said , ‘ I knew how much we both love you .
10 Already I was wishing I 'd never been to see Angy , even though I knew how much being estranged from his family had hurt him and it would mean a lot to him to get the ring back . ’
11 Nobody knew how much they burrowed into one 's past , and this ignorance coupled with a fear of being rejected by the Legion was enough to make most people tell the truth .
12 ‘ We must let you know how much we enjoyed our holiday in Zakopane .
13 I have thought from time to time that I would like to write and let you know how much those lessons meant to me — and now I am !
14 Do you know how much a cat pelt is worth in some parts of Europe ? ’
15 Do you know how much these are a bag ?
16 Where , do n't you know how much these screws crossed !
17 If you know the difference between guitar sounds that you hear on the radio then I would maintain that you know too much
18 But if you 've got any more questions , I mean do n't hesitate to come back , because at the end of the day I 'd rather you know too much than not enough
19 You know how much this means to me ; that 's four years of my fucking life .
20 Over a grand 's worth you 're looking at here , and you know how much it cost me ?
21 You know how much all those lavish ballgowns cost , all those urns and chandeliers and marble staircases and pages in imperial livery .
22 But while it 's true that Woolf 's disapproval of the film 's distinctive angles and extreme lighting contrasts does betray a degree of conservatism and , in his later campaign against The Man who Knew Too Much ( 1934 ) , he was clearly the enemy of anything even moderately original , Woolf was not a simple philistine .
23 But the characters played by Leslie Banks in The Man Who Knew Too Much ( 1934 ) , or Robert Donat in The 39 Steps ( 1935 ) , are archetypically English in their capacity to muddle through , triumphing over the dark forces ranged against them by their flexibility of mind .
24 She would relish it the more , she said , knowing that , it was not a wake , and who knew how much longer such restaurants would still be open , such food and drink available ?
25 Well , I think at first they were both afraid to become music specialists , but she knows so much now — good contemporary pop music , not just my music — that she wants to be involved with it and she refuses to be professionally involved unless she has expert knowledge .
26 Why do we know how much be ? .
27 That we know so much today is due to the dedication and persistence of Hedwige Boesch-Achermann and zoologist Christophe Boesch .
28 Once in her life already she had become attached to someone and had allowed herself to be swept down with him in his lonely vortex into the silent depths where nothing moves but drowned sailors coughing seaweed ; only Miriam herself knew how much it had cost her to ascend again from that fascinating , ghostly world towards light and life .
29 How could they know how much more real and beautiful was the infinity inside her with its constellations of meanings , and the comet-blaze of truth that was Friend , who taught her to arrange the meanings in patterns of logic ?
30 Look , I wish they would put the lids do n't they know how much these screws crossed !
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