Example sentences of "[pron] know no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sir : A few hours after reading Terry Coleman 's article on the United Nations General Assembly ( 30 September ) , I came across this passage in Trollope 's Barchester Towers , which exactly expressed my feelings , and , I hope , those of many others of your readers : I know no life that must be so delicious as that of a writer for the newspapers … to thunder forth accusations against men in power ; show up the worst side of everything that is produced ; to pick holes in every coat ; to be indignant , sarcastic , jocose , moral , or supercilious ; to damn with faint praise , or crush with open calumny .
2 I know no man since the apostles ’ days , ’ wrote Baxter , ‘ whom I honour more than Calvin , and whose judgment in all things , one with another , I more esteem and come nearer to . ’
3 I know no man big enough to fill it . ’
4 I know no touch of consanguinity — No kin , no love , no blood , no soul so near me As the sweet Troilus .
5 But up to your right , where the estuary flows into the sea , that 's Mr Swinton 's land and although I know no harm in him myself , they say — they say he does n't like trespassers , Miss Alexandra .
6 I know no reason why you should be . ’
7 I know no reason to be ashamed of it .
8 I know no difference between this case and that of a mandamus .
9 I knew no fear .
10 I knew no good would come of such a marriage , ’ she said .
11 As Hannah Arendt has shown , in times of crisis the existence of a formless mass can become the basis for a totalitarian dictatorship ; in times of prosperity it can lead to an all-encompassing smugness and self-satisfaction and to the existence of a regime which knows no criticism , no control and , above all , no real opposition and thus no arguments which contain alternatives .
12 , you know no difficulty .
13 you ruin your chances so about three times a week the comes in to arrange my poll tax and all this and they get going you know well why should a bloke that having a big house and he only pays the same rate as them so I said , well it 's like this as far I 'm concerned I said you know no bloke works perhaps twice as many hours as you do he chooses
14 Simon you know no go , ah !
15 ‘ You said you know no reason why you should care . ’
16 A route not to take unless you know no fear , is to walk straight up the sweeping southern flanks of the hill , which will leave you giddy and hanging on to craggy , near-vertical terrain with your teeth .
17 The expression of pain in his face became something else entirely : in some part horror , in some part awe , but in the greatest part some sentiment for which she knew no word .
18 She said many a wicked word , and many a cruel word ; she knew no virtue or goodness , she desired all wickedness ; like as the spirits tempted her to say and do , so she said and did ’ .
19 She knew no good would come of this .
20 Although she knew no amount of imagination would take her away from this prison , for fleeting moments she did manage to escape into her book .
21 Since negotiations failed and the rebellion , once supported by England , could only be defeated by increasing injections of Napoleon 's soldiers and money , the ideal of an independent civil government appealing to hearts , in Joseph 's phrase , was rejected by the emperor and his generals who knew no law but military necessity .
22 It was the cry to let them be ; from one who knew no sin came the plea from the heart of humanity , ‘ Have mercy on us . ’
23 Should a traveller , returning from a far country , bring us an account of men wholly different from any with whom we were ever acquainted ; men who were entirely divested of vice , ambition , or revenge ; who knew no pleasure but friendship , generosity , and public spirit ; we should immediately , from these circumstances , detect the falsehood , and prove him a liar , with the same certainty as if he ha[d] stuffed his narration with stories of centaurs and dragons , miracles and prodigies ( quoted in Freeman 1984 : 95 ) .
24 And you will hear most of all about the abattoir man , the evil , cold-hearted villain who knows no pity ! ’
25 Who knows no time , our nosy cause and guide :
26 who knows no shame because his actions are true ,
27 God , who does not need reconciling , becomes the Reconciler ; God , who does not need appeasing , becomes our peace ; God , who knows no sin , becomes sin for us — by whose stripes and wounds we are healed .
28 But these vile tasks were as welcome to them for they knew no love of God nor worship of Him .
29 He know no fear , ’ Felicity chanted .
30 And , as in business he knew no way of earning by his own labour , so in his relationship with them he knew no means of restoring himself by his own effort .
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