Example sentences of "[pron] see as a " in BNC.

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1 One might , thus , fantasise the death of someone seen as a threat , or imagine oneself as possessing enormous fame or wealth .
2 My periods , which had always been topsy-turvy and which I saw as a real indicator of health and wellbeing , settled into a reliable pattern .
3 ‘ The company had a very cosy club atmosphere , which I found quite difficult to cope with in terms of what I saw as a lack of professionalism . ’
4 I had been what I saw as a stop-gap anchor-man for Report , the teatime news programme , for less than eighteen months .
5 The President accepted his scrap of twisted limb with a gracious smile and said , on Susan 's advice , ‘ I am delighted to receive this gift which I see as a symbol of the cultural and commercial interdependence of the planets .
6 The limitations are the lack of footswitching between the clean/crunch and OD1/OD2 modes , and that I see as a drawback ( unless you find you prefer one or the other and stick to it ) .
7 But it can lead to trouble : many of the problem children I see as a child psychologist are ‘ precious ’ .
8 I 've started to talk to Alan about what I see as a lack of , of management time erm in this division .
9 WHEN I read the opening words of your jazz columnist Solly Lipsitz on August 26 , ‘ As this will be my final Thursday column ’ , I felt that I should express my feelings at what I see as a matter which will be of deep concern to the entire jazz fraternity in Northern Ireland .
10 Deeply concerned at what she sees as a naive response to changes in the Warsaw Pact countries which could yet be reversed , Mrs Thatcher will seek a clear assurance from Mr Bush that any defence cuts will not erode the US military commmitment to Western Europe .
11 Owing to what she sees as a lack of gratitude , she threatens to refuse to continue with the caring tasks .
12 Kahlo 's adoption of Tehuana dress , while being an attractive disguise of what she saw as a less than perfect body , asserted both a feminist and an anti-colonialist position .
13 She also felt that age 6 was too early to make what she saw as a drastic decision — once out of mainstream education she felt he would be unlikely to get back .
14 Although a lifelong Labour voter , influenced by the poverty she saw as a teacher , Mrs Hughes spoke of how Mrs Thatcher ‘ gave me a lovely tour of No 10 and I thought she was such a nice person ’ .
15 The first is the acceptable result ( see 5b above on page 51 ) which you see as a realistic one .
16 Decide on the changes you see as a priority .
17 Those obviously include all the further education colleges that do the basic um and the basic things and then the H N C H N D it gives you the open learning things which includes then the private sector people communicate and all sorts of other agencies , erm it depends really what you see as a beginner , do you mean a beginner in the communications field in its entirety , or do you mean a beginner as an in-house industrial editor or a freelancer by definition a beginner is not likely to be a freelancer ?
18 Our concerns arise in relation to the new settlement of fourteen hundred households which we see as a quite different animal to the dispersed development proposed in Harrogate , Craven and so on .
19 So I I just thinks it 's a , it 's a feature of the rapid development of the environmental sector , that , for , as I say , for quite understandable reasons , some of those links , and networks , have n't been fully established , and our project which we see as a , as a short term one , essentially a three year bit of work , is going to address that , and it 's been widely supported by er , a number of environmental groups .
20 As well as being a very useful skill in itself , Writing allows us to set pupils regular homework , which we see as a valuable extension of learning time , and as essential training in self-discipline for later life .
21 She goes every evening to the post , ’ and they began to laugh again at what they saw as a mocking mirror of their own flowering .
22 Rose 's coming to the house had smoothed their lives and allowed them to concentrate everything on school and study , which , above all , they saw as a way out of the house and into a life of their own .
23 In the end they were committed , as he was , to the preservation of a Protestant Ulster , to the suppression of what they saw as a republican rebellion , and to the restoration of majority rule in Northern Ireland .
24 Often they had not told anyone about what they saw as a trivial event , but had buried their feelings of embarrassment and fear until they resurfaced in the shape of an obsession .
25 The Kiev Rada , panic-stricken at what they saw as a Russian invasion , summoned the German army to defend their power by taking over the western Ukraine and its grain resources .
26 In 1811 the Luddites rioted and destroyed the textile machinery which they saw as a direct threat to their jobs .
27 Increased immigration militated against the absorption of new arrivals in existing Shetlander networks ; while at the same time it was accompanied by the creation of new networks composed of incomers -incomers found shared interests in what they saw as a frontier zone .
28 As a local — he was from Thorn — and as a farmer with business interests in the Free City , they had trusted his leadership far more than they trusted Forster , whom they saw as a boorish Bavarian appointed by Berlin .
29 The new emphasis was not universally approved of , purists objecting to what they saw as a tendency for accountants to look a project over and approve or disapprove of it from the beginning .
30 The regular , monotonous monastic discipline gave the monks a peace and equanimity which they saw as a tranquil experience of God which was fully in tune with their normal lives .
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