Example sentences of "[pron] up [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 Such considerations lead to the idea that the way non-words are read is by first dividing them up into their graphemes ( CHOOPH-CH + OO + PH or SLOATCH — S + L + OA + TCH ) and then using a table of grapheme-phoneme correspondence rules to find the appropriate phoneme for each grapheme .
2 He and his friends would deliberately allow the quicksand to take them up to their knees before being extricated by the other members of the gang .
3 She did n't know where half the things went , but she tidied them up and put them in piles on the stairs so people could taken them up to their rooms when they went , and the kitchen looked nice and tidy .
4 Get them up on their feet .
5 The Edict of Pîtres in 864 strongly suggests the combination of political and fiscal reasons behind Charles 's determination to keep control of markets : others , presumably local magnates , had been setting them up on their own initiative , but the king now decreed that such markets were to be banned unless they secured royal authorisation , and royal agents were told to keep lists of those so authorised .
6 If they were opposed , it would take only 24 hours , but if there was no opposition it would take twice that time , because the cheering Romanian population would hold them up with their welcome .
7 They 'd got babies on their back , and they 'd be swinging them up over their hips .
8 Once I get them up from their rest , we go off to the lake and feed the ducks or we go to friends .
9 ( Wringing her apron in mock indignation ) That 's the third time this week I 've picked his Good polyester-dacron trousers up off the floor and Hung them up in their crease .
10 He and business associate Benedict Marsh , both 28 , allegedly got a friend to help by tying them up in their room .
11 When people do so , the health-care system and the political machinery of the community are fully prepared to back them up in their unhappy and anything-but-free choice of symptoms .
12 I hope she did n't find it as easy as she told them , if you shut them up in their room .
13 Certainly , he seems too slight of stature to have handcuffed heavier men and hauled them up by their wrists to hang , agonisingly , from hooks .
14 The workers then hang them up by their forelegs in underground galleries , like living storage jars .
15 Pulled them up by their boot strings , was what he said , but then they were talking about the Treaty of Versailles and about war reparations being hard on Germany . ’
16 And they 're real dangerous too — they might jump onto the pavement and swallow me up with their big eyes .
17 No , Owen does n't , O N , O M does n't , so why do they always phone me up with their problems ?
18 And then Paul takes me up to their house where I , usually about ten past eleven gives me time to get the pushchair put up again and
19 My sisters dressed me up in their dresses and paraded me down the road and we listened to Van and I learned to love Van .
20 Everybody up on their feet !
21 He had had to stand her up on their second date .
22 So , he had been winding her up about their sharing the same bed , amusing himself at her expense !
23 When the baby was born , the O'Dells adopted her — a darling little girl , dark and pretty — and brought her up as their own , with Connor and Sean .
24 He locked her up in their hotel .
25 However Christ is understood , as people take him up into their culture , or make of him what they will , they know him to be male .
26 Watch how they move right up to a certain morsel and pick it up with their lips , or how they move no closer than several inches to another and then draw it to the edge of their lips with a mighty suck .
27 At one point in my innings I thought that a number of England fielders were deliberately walking on the pitch and scuffing it up with their spikes .
28 Bees collect nectar as well as pollen , sucking it up with their long tubular mouthparts and carrying it back within their stomachs to their nest , there to store it in their combs as honey .
29 Older people we know want to be offered more ways of preventing illness , so you know , they have to really be informed , er we want them to know about it so then they can make the choice as to whether they take it up with their G P .
30 They clear the remaining forest by fire , opening it up for their own agriculture , or to hand over to cattle ranchers .
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