Example sentences of "[pron] get [prep] your " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Because if you try to do anything so misguided I might have to give a Press interview to explain just why I got under your skin so badly ! ’
2 I got into your office under false pretences , but there was no other way .
3 ‘ Oh God , that 's just what she 's afraid of — she 's afraid if I got in your car we might go somewhere and park , for God 's sake . ’
4 I 'm likely to have to remainder Richie Quick before I get to your missing prisoner . ’
5 ‘ Now , Mr Jordan , would it have been possible for someone to get into your shed on Friday night , remove the Scapegoat and substitute a body dressed in the Scapegoat 's clothes ? ’
6 ‘ Not like you to let someone get under your skin . ’
7 What shall I get for your mother ?
8 What shall I get for your mother ?
9 ‘ When the sandfly bites you , it lets in this protozoan , which gets under your skin and eats away the underlayer , after which the top layer breaks away leaving raw , open wounds .
10 So that 's an example that gives us very much asymmetrical different amounts apart , and then you get the other end of the , the , the other extreme , you got to select , you know , you got to your power , your friendship group , and so when got to do , to choose whichever amongst friends .
11 That 's a real nice dead bird you got on your hat .
12 what you got on your tape .
13 Failing an admission a question to the defendant such as ‘ Where did you intend to go when you got into your car ? ’ or ‘ What were you trying to do ? ’ etc. may help to prove that he had an intention to drive as discussed at point ( B ) 2 ante .
14 And even when you got into your second years you did get erm two hours off one day and three hours the next , which was usually five till eight .
15 Yeah , what what you got under your ?
16 An elderly fenwoman remembered her husband-to-be demanding ‘ What you got under your apron ?
17 What you got round your neck for then ?
18 What you got in your hand , you ?
19 You know what you got in your pocket
20 Well wh I think all you can say is , you end up with a , with a package of genes which you got from your parents .
21 She got on your nerves then , did n't she ?
22 What proof have you got of your allegations ? ’
23 He 'd tell him , he 'd get his orders from the office , cos the Deputy Harbourmaster he would go down all the sound he sound in river and see what wanted taken out , then he 'd say to my father I 'll dredge at so and so belo below docksill and docksill what they used to do they used to , my father what he 'd do he 'd put stakes on the mud , a short stake and a long stake on account of the tide and he 'd , he 'd make an imaginary on that stake , then he 'd go ashore at Wolverston , phone up what have you got on your docksill , the fella might say it 's ten feet , well he 'd say right we 'll make that twenty feet , so that 's er , that 's what he used to work on to dredge the river .
24 I say what have you got on your
25 What have you got on your buttons ?
26 ‘ What have you got in your pockets ?
27 ‘ What 've you got in your hand ? ’
28 Have you got in your hand did I say , dry cat food ?
29 What have you got in your hand ?
30 What have you got in your little side pots ?
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