Example sentences of "[pron] so [that] their " in BNC.

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1 But he was either moody and difficult , or else in tearing spirits , playing with the children and upsetting them so that their mother would come and whip them afterwards for the noise they made .
2 The other is to disperse them so that their unwanted presence may be put more or less out of sight ’ ( p. 280 ) .
3 Place the horses inside the stable holes , securing them with royal icing and positioning them so that their heads peep out over the doors .
4 Bruce Dern said Corman did him and Nicholson a favour by getting them a part because they both needed the money at the time ; Corman arranged it so that their shooting schedules would require them to be available for the first and last weeks of the four-week stint , thus , under union rules guaranteeing them a salary cheque for the full four weeks .
5 He came closer to the desk , sitting easily on one corner of it so that their eyes were almost on a level .
6 If not , would the person ( or persons ) responsible please make themselves known to us so that their contribution can be duly catalogued .
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