Example sentences of "[pron] there [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first two keywords , HCFILES and HCSPACE , define the initial parameters for all hard copy runs ; the remaining three , HCSET , HCMAP and HCTRANSTAB define the format of the pages and should always be entered together in a group for each charge code for which there is to be a hard copy run .
2 There is no institutional culture here , which there is at the BBC , and that 's what we have to trade on in the next 10 years .
3 Most of the problems that are arising are not just because of the Trusts but because of other things like for instance the contracting process that is proposed , the t the changing in the financing that is incorporated and of course the general under-funding which there is within the N H S. These are far more important problems in the long term .
4 Its genesis , location , economics and indeed its timing are all something of a puzzle , to which there are for so recent an event , no easy solutions .
5 These holes indicate a code of which there are at least four billion combinations in the system .
6 There is nowhere better or , frankly , easier than this to see some of the high Pyrenean lakes , of which there are at least four that you can get to here by car , as well as a fifth reachable fairly simply on foot .
7 Herbs to keep an eye on are the marjorams , of which there are at least three different kinds , tarragon ( two ) , dill and fennel , which hybridize very easily , garden mint which is often a cross with horse-mint , or may even be that species , lovage which can look like ground-elder while young , and French sorrel which is invariably confused with the inferior-tasting English sorrel .
8 F. When firms in the UK and the EEC want to expand their businesses with extra new branch factories they consider carefully the special advantages which there are in Northern Ireland .
9 Using a SUN Sparc 4/75 computer with 48 MBytes of memory , the syntax analyser requires just 0.4 seconds of CPU time ( 3.6 seconds real time ) to process 521 written words , for which there were on average 10 alternatives for each word .
10 In the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet election , in which there were on average almost seven candidates for each of the 450 seats , Rukh won the majority of the Kiev seats , but its leaders claimed that it had performed badly in most rural areas because of obstruction and electoral malpractice by officials .
11 Dedicated solely to the pursuit of wealth , it evolved no institutions beyond the ubiquitous parish guilds , of which there were at least four .
12 We were , however , readier , I think , than at the beginning , to take seriously and to counter , the equally serious convictions of those who held that there was no place for courses similar to ours , of which there were at that time a number in various stages of development .
13 Now two things have happened — one is that better , safer pills have been introduced , but secondly a lot of the scares which there were of five or ten years ago , have been shown to be quite unjustified , so we now know that using the more modern of the oral contraceptives erm there 's really very little risk indeed .
14 From being a comprehensive Weltanschauung , in which there were to be found , according to Gramsci , all the elements that are needed for the construction of a new ‘ integral civilization ’ , it has come to be regarded by many thinkers as a much more limited and tentative body of thought , which is far from being able to predict , in any detail or with any certainty , the future development of society , or to offer anything but the roughest of guides to political action .
15 It had been born out of a clandestine meeting in Hong Kong in February 1930 at a time which there were in fact three communist parties in Vietnam .
16 The others will chip in if they agree , but they will they are , they are wanting to set a missile to move , they 're wanting to send a bullet , they are wanting to s to evoke emotion or anger or rage or frustration or political bias or to change attitudes now for example the interesting thing about the Princess Diana erm the headline on one of those tabloids which talks about exile is I suspect that they want to evoke the constitutional crisis which there was at the time of
17 The episode raises the question of whether she actually knew who Mapplethorpe was when she agreed to the V&A being used for an Aids fund-raising event , at which there was to be a slide show of the photographs in the book .
18 Randall for the London Board did not fail to point out the contrast between this and his own refusal of central funds for standardisation ( for which there was in fact a far sounder economic case ) .
19 That one there was from before .
20 More recently I have been concerned with a survey of visitors to the British Museum , of whom there are between two and three million a year .
21 Geoff Grogan tells me there are at least eleven students or former students presently in membership with us at QP !
22 One of them there was of the opinion who could quite easily lose his licence for it .
23 Well certainly there there are in the coming season there 's a many people sitting here tonight will know .
24 I know , when we were coming back from Lorna 's I mean there there was like in patches .
25 Give him my compliments and tell him there 's at least one battalion of French skirmishers coming his way .
26 He did eventually speak to Klein , who after some persuasion accepted his apologies , and then went on to tell him there was to be a party at Taylor and Clem 's house the following day , and he was sure Gentle would be welcome if he had no other plans .
27 ( Last time I saw him there was in the first half vs Arse , where * Hodge * ! was given the right side …
28 Yeah and there 's er as you go over the top there 's like a postman 's passage and you go past where you turn into it there 's in the corner there .
29 First of all I 'd just like you to have a look at the well what there is on pages forty two and three some of there are cartoons , photographs , adverts just have a quick look at them , six altogether .
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