Example sentences of "[pron] would have this " in BNC.

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1 I 'd have this little prayer in my head : Do n't be me . ’
2 Oh , I 'd have this then I
3 I would have this country , con congress , to support this motion for the health and welfare of women members of the G B M B trade union , I move .
4 The sceptical arguments which would have this effect all require a move which the anti-realist would disallow , and hence never reach the annihilating conclusion .
5 you 'd have this effect , see there 's your wall and the , that then you pin up the middle like that
6 And we 'd have this competitive meeting and there would be a chairing ceremony erm and it 's amazing the r the tidy little poems that er some of the children made then you know , children under fourteen .
7 so erm , we decided that we 'd have this fish and chips before we got going , cos it we did n't eat , you know , an awful lot yesterday
8 and er , you know it 's part of a spectrum , and if we 're all as aware of er mental health as we are with physical health now , and if that was , was carried out in public education campaigns and in schools , I think you 're right , we would have this right to mental illness as part of a overall mental health .
9 there are times when we think that if we really had faith , if we really believed , if we were true Christians then we would have this peace and serenity about us .
10 And you ken and all their friends and neighbours came around to help with the harvest they 'd have this home brew .
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