Example sentences of "[pron] say [modal v] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 would you credit that lot eh , I say would you credit that , now they 're gon na send me another bill for six pound odd for them and two pound , another two pound postage
2 No I say would you like to feed the birds ?
3 Which is that if we take these cards , instead of dropping in one at here there and everywhere and I doubt if anyone will take much notice of one , maybe I 'm a bit personally interested in , if I say could we all drop them in at Prestos in Rougier Street ?
4 Right , erh what I 'd like to do then is er I say could you just introduce yourself or what you 're working on at the moment where you work and then the sort of presentations that you make er and then give us one of your objectives so that by the time we 've got right round the room we 'll er hopefully have everybody .
5 Right , if I say could you summarise the plot of Revenge of Khan could you do it ?
6 And I say can I go to Hertford please and they did n't ask me how old I was , they just like the next thing I knew I was whacked out this six hundred quid ticket .
7 I got your Billy yesterday and I says oh do us a favour I says will you say owt , anything , just
8 I asked the gaffer I says can I get out ?
9 Well , I went home and I got another job and it , then I went back , I says can I have me card ?
10 He did n't say , and I says can I take a message ?
11 I said shall we tell you , I never said we were gon na tell you .
12 I said shall I get him some more chews ?
13 I said shall I ?
14 You know , the beginning when I said may I smoke ?
15 And I said would they pass me over
16 I said would you two give in to the collection ?
17 we finished the story and we got onto the rhymes I presume and a little body sidled in through the win through the door and he sort of sat there looking pathetic you know , I said would you like to come and sit on my knee ?
18 I said well how about a I said would you like candles on , .
19 and I said would you integrate so it did n't stand out sort of too obviously four X cubed minus X times X squared .
20 Street , I said is that , is that alright , you know sort of thing I said would I , she said yes she said it does , she said it , it runs the same route as the five , two , seven , but it runs early then it becomes five , two , seven , the five , two , ones still on , like a two seven and a two one , two seven , two one and there were
21 I said would it , in order now just to deal with the amendment on my own sir or support Mr at the same time ?
22 I said could we do anything ?
23 I said could we do anything ?
24 I said could you mention it to him .
25 He said I could murder a roll up I said could you ?
26 I said could it have been continuous rain ?
27 so I said but I 'm not disappointed but she said just listen to what I 've got to say , she said , erm , because anybody else that 's failed we 've just said I 'm sorry we ca n't have you , but she said with you , we all feel that you 've got so much to offer she said I 'm gon na offer you a relief post which means that you can go into other people 's ho er other homes , all around , all different hospitals if somebody 's short , they can call on you and I said could it be a full time job , will it give me enough money to say that I 'm working ?
28 and I said then on the , on the Saturday his leg , his wound , he come out of intensive care on the Wednesday and on the Saturday his , his dressing had n't been changed on his leg and it reeked and I said can we actually please have a clean dressing for my dad 's leg , even if I 've got to put the bugger on myself , that was at quarter past eight
29 And I had to ask a lad stood at front , I said can you ask him to stop at this stop please .
30 And I said can you tell me if erm this cheque is gone through to er Peter .
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